Mobile App for Intervals.Icu (BreakAway: Indoor Training iOS)

This was a feature released for BreakAway: Indoor Training App BreakAway: Indoor Training App Now with Calendar integration (Workout Of The Day) some time back, but realised that I didn’t put up a post about it.

Apple App Store Link:

I have to iterate that my goal is not to replace, but complement it further in addition to the app being able to control the trainer (while supporting PowerMatch / Slope Mode / FIT/GPX/TCX/MRC/ERG/JSON workouts / HR Target workouts / Ascenders Detection (something like Garmin’s ClimbPro or Karoo’s Climber) Dropbox / Strava / direct upload to intervals among others). Having said that, my main goal is to replace TrainingPeaks mobile app for tracking weekly fitness/workouts. Since I do not have TP Premium, i don’t know what other charts are available

Below are screenshots of it if you have connected the App to, you would see as a small draggable icon (which would disappear as soon as you start a new workout)

There’s virtually no user-configurations needed. (I pull most preferences directly from

The VO2Max / TTE etc are only pulling RIDE matrix given that my app is mostly cycling focused.

The Calendar section supports all workouts (if there are some unsupported ones, the app will ignore and pass it over - things like notes, holidays) and if there’s a workout graphic, it will also show that. (Same like intervals, it does not support displaying of completed workout Graphics)

You can see that the UI is more or less consistent w/

Planned workouts and completed workouts are also paired, same as intervals and will have a small logo, along with some summary metrics once completed. I’ve taken care that the values are consistent to what you see on Workouts w/ the logo will also be tappable. Previously this will open up the website and/or Strava, but this is being expanded in the new release (more on this later)

Note: the small little calendar icon will be RED for today’s date and for the most part, will auto scroll to the current date (although the entire week’s workout will be shown)

Note2: Currently you can’t tap on a planned workout and have it opened directly to be executed on the trainer, you will still need to go to the LIBRARY tab to do that since the calendar supports all workouts.

Weekly Target is also supported & will auto load if exists.


Can also separate the charts into different sports and it’ll show the combined load etc for that day and the % compliance to the planned Load / Time (which is shown on the chart as the background overlay) - eg: Wed, completed load = 30, which is 85% of the planned load = 35)

There are 2 versions of Time in HR Zones, the 3 Zones and the normal 5++ zones. Again, these are either combined of all sports or individual sports based on user selection. (I’m contemplating if there’s a need to have 3 Zones for Power like there is for HR using Seiler’s zones)


Pie chart to show your completed activities distribution.


available charts:

PS: All this is only supported on iOS 14+++, so even my own iPad Mini 2 (circa 2013) which I’m using for this app isn’t even supported. :frowning:


This new update has been in the works over the last 2+ weeks. Now the app will pull and present a more complete summary of the executed workout.

Previously, when a calendar event/activity is tapped, it will go to the webpage, now it will pop up a summary of the ride (sans graphs/charts - this is a KIV feature)

It will look something like this.

Main Screen - Key Performance Indicator:

Notice that Custom Fields(Computed activity fields) are also supported. So you can get all the computed fields that users like @Povedano has created (All fields from Garmin activity). Note that if any of these computed fields are Blanks (like “” or 0), it will also ignore it to reduce clutter to the view.

Then you would have the Map of your ride, the list of Connected Devices as well as Gears connected / linked to the ride. (Bike and other gear usage tracking)

Note: For Connected Devices / Custom Fields, a lot of it depends on the original fit file having those fields. If you’re syncing from Strava, take note that Strava will strip off these “extra” fields before it passes the data to

2nd Page are the Other Metrics

Included also is the Heart Rate recovery data/time (HRRc) which will show the Biggest drop in HRRc, the Max/Min and the Start/End time of that effort.

The (current) last screen is the Time In Zones Chart.

Tx for considering using the App.

Comments / Feedback welcomed.

Check this for even more integration updates



There is NO direct integration w/ TrainerDay but w/ a free TD account, AFAIK, you can download workouts (MRC/ERG formats) or a complete workout Plans (Save to Dropbox and sync to the app) or even send TD workouts directly to calendar and it will sync to the app.

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new version bug:
click UP/DN button 1x,But the power Up/Dn 2x

Tx… Fixed
Curious, you’re using the “Free Ride / Free Slope Ride” mode? Or something else?
More specific info would help me nail down the issue if it’s somewhere else.

The mode of “Free Ride”
The issue is click UP/DN button once,the power changes to the correct value, but the power is increased again after 1-2 seconds.

Thanks… This is the one i fixed.
Will be in the next release.

Thanks… :+1: :+1: :+1:

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Sent the BUG fix version up to apple for review. Hopefully within 1-3 days will be approved.

Hello @app4g ,

I have the following issue (also I am waiting solution for bug of up/down watts… :stuck_out_tongue:):

I cannot access the Intervals data through Intervals Floating Icon “Tap Me”, every single time I do, BreakAway crash and close… :pensive:

I already unistalled App and reinstalled again, unlink intervals and linked again but the problem persists…

I have to say, I can access workouts from intervals without any issues and use them!

Can you help me?

Thanks in advance

This is not good… Haven’t been able to reproduce this issue and I also do not see any crash reports from Apple.

Can you check these settings:
Settings → Privacy and Security → Analytics & Improvements → Share iPhone Analytics → Share w/ Developers

If Share iPhone & Watch Analytics is turned off, sharing crash data and statistics about how you use their apps with third-party app developers is automatically turned off.

This will only send Crash Reports back to Apple so that I can access it.

If you’re not comfortable with that, I think you can also send the raw data (not as useful) using the option “Analytics Data”, scroll until you find the one labelled “TacxFECBLE” or something along those lines. tap it, then tap the Share button and send it to app4g.devel AT

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Thank you @app4g


After enabled this, I opened and tapped “Tap me” four times, every time the app closed…

Please let me know if you need more info or trace or similar I can do…


I am literally checking right now but nothing is showing up from Apple. I’m not sure if this is due to a Delay or something else. :frowning:

BTW - are you on iOS15.7? I keep seeing issues ONLY on this ios version (i researched the error and it seems to be a cosmetic issue, it will log an error but no actual crash to user)

Would it be possible for you to send me the raw log files instead?

Click the “Datos de anallisis” and search for TacxFECBLE-some-date-xxxx


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Thanks for your support!!

I have IOS 16.3.

Done, sent to your email.

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New here! Has anyone had luck with the Wahoo KICKR Snap and BreakAway? Forgive me if I’ve missed previous discussions of that, but haven’t had luck myself. I tried a workout today, and the wattage registered seemed about twice what I was putting out. The intervals didn’t change it much, either.

Hi There… thanks for using the app.
You say the wattage seems 2x what it’s supposed to be? Then this is definitely a bug.

I recently did a change where I followed the Bluetooth Specs for Power Meter (only if it was a left) and double the output power.

I’m gonna re-check this and get back to you. (but I may still need your help to verify as I don’t have the Kickr Snap and it worked w/o issues on my trainer and single sided assiomas).

is your Trainer connected as “FECw trainer”? if yes, this might explains it. I’ll do some testing and send you an invite to the BETA app.

Update: Looks like this is a bad bug. I tried to follow the Bluetooth Specs to double power, but looks like some single sided power meter will

  1. double the power within firmware
  2. double the power as an option within the power meter’s app (eg: Assioma)

Based on this, I’m gonna be rolling back this change and re-submitting the app

Can you elaborate on this?

BTW - the power increase/decrease - you can feel the change? (confirming if there is issues on this)

I believe it was connected as “FECw trainer.” How do I change this?

Yeah, my first thought was that it was doubling single-sided power, but wasn’t sure.

As for the intervals, it didn’t feel like the power changed much (if at all) from 45% to 60%, and the wattage continued to read out ~160w, which was twice my 45% power (~80w).

Just sent a new update to Apple for review to get this Double Power to be fixed. Are you per chance using any Power Meter Pedals or some other power meter besides the Trainer?

FECw is actually the way Your Kickr Snap broadcasts in Bluetooth. It’s Wahoo’s own extension (the newer models are all broadcasting in FTMS). Is your SNAP broadcasting in FTMS? (You can check using some other trainer app)

For the Power Change - perhaps you can do a Manual Change like put the Watt Step as 100w (within SETTINGS) and then do a “free ride” or a workout - your choice, then click the + button and see if you feel a resistance change (don’t mind the Double Power for now)


Downloaded the update! I’m not using any other power meter right now.

It’s definitely broadcasting in FECw. I’ll try a ride tonight to test the double power and the watt change in ERG mode. Thanks for your responsiveness! I’d be more than willing to join the beta, as well. Happy to offer any feedback, and glad I found your app!


In order to make the next update better,the other bugs (maybe only for iPhone 6s ios14.6):
Intervals charts:
New version(before rollback):“Completed Time In Power Zone” Z1->Z6 No background color fill
and no foreground color fill

The now version is Z4->Z7 &SS Same error。

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