iOS App (FitnessFatigue) for Data

Noticed that you’ve added percentage as an option. Thanks so much. It looks really good and is super useful.


Hey everyone, I’ve started another project for Web, Android and iOS
I’ve made a post for it if you wanna take a look: Web/Mobile App for Data

hello, the app doesn’t work anymore :frowning: somebody know what’s going on?

Hi Andres. Thanks for letting me know. I’m on the iOS 16.2 beta and not seeing any problems with the app. Could you let me know exactly what the problems you’re seeing are and which version of iOS you are using? Thanks

Hi Matthew! The iOS sí 16.1 and the error is unable to construct a URL’s I Acces


As of today, i can no longer see the top part of the screen with the values:

On the Iphone SE 2022

Works fine for me, iOS 16.3.1

Seems like you have a bigger screen.

iPhone 11


Do you have some setting activated for bigger fonts or screen elements?
On Android such a setting causes similar problems in all kinds of apps.


Nice one.
This is the biggest font my phone can take, vs the smallest.

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I can’t see the bottom icons either.

I have send the developer a message.

Need to get the chart for past values done in my app :slight_smile:

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Yep, it’s the font size that is causing this.

Setting the font size to normal will show everything.

It only applies to phones with smaller screens (i.e. iphone se etc.).

Thanks i have just downloaded this. As a on the fly look its great ti see Fatigue Fitness and Form data.
Its appears that when looking at each ride the Max and Ave speeds are very low and inaccurate but thats minor for my needs.
Would be awesome to see this developing further if anyone had the skills and time

Tooting my own horn, but this is what I’ve come up with… No Chart for Fitness/Fatigue as of yet.

Your app doesn’t show in the app store, and also didn’t copy across when I changed devices.
Is this still working? iOS 17.x and iPhone 13.
Returns a blank screen, and No Results on the iOS device.


I have noticed this same, app still running on my iphone but i cant get it to ipad now.

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Very pity that the app is gone…

There is an alternative, but without a widget though… called TSS ‎Daily TSS for on the App Store


I can work for the widget if that’s a required feature… I’m also planning on doing paple watch widget