14 August 2023 18:11
This post pulls together all the ways you can extend Intervals.icu. Some require a little Javascript knowledge and others just picking a value from a drop down.
Intervals.icu also has an API .
Intervals.icu now supports custom input fields for wellness (daily) data. They can be displayed on the calendar (with custom icon etc.), downloaded/uploaded in the wellness CSV and via the API and plotted on the fitness and compare pages.
Click “Fields” in the wellness dialog to create new fields and to find fields shared by others.
[Screen Shot 2022-11-05 at 14.56.15]
Tick off the standard wellness options or click the search button to look for those shared by others. Note that if you are c…
Intervals.icu now supports custom activity fields either manually captured, computed using JavaScript code or read from FIT files. This is the first giant leap towards a programmable Intervals.icu!
[Screen Shot 2022-12-27 at 12.10.32]
You can click the play button to execute your script in the context of the selected activity to test.
The script has access to the following objects:
activity: the activity being analysed
athlete: for the activity
streams: the power, heart rate and so on trac…
Intervals.icu now supports custom fields for intervals. You can enter the values manually (e.g. from a test of some kind) or compute them using JavaScript code. Click “Fields” on the activity timeline page and then “Add Field” to create a new field or search for an existing field:
[Screen Shot 2022-12-26 at 15.44.04]
Note that the fields are specific to the athlete being edited. So if you are coaching people, create fields for yourself and then use the search button to add copies to your athl…
Intervals.icu now supports custom activity streams for extracting data from record messages in fit files. Click “Charts” under the activity timeline chart and then “Custom Streams”.
[Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 21.16.30]
[Screenshot 2023-07-19 at 21.17.04]
Click “Add Stream” to create a new stream or search for streams created and shared by other athletes. Note that these streams are per athlete. You can add your own streams to athletes you coach using the search button.
[Screenshot 2023-07-…
You can now add custom activity charts to the activity heart rate, power, pace and data pages. These charts are created using Javascript code executed on the Intervals.icu servers and rendered using Plotly .
Look for the new charts button at the bottom of the activity power/hr/pace/data pages:
[Screen Shot 2023-01-26 at 19.33.22]
You can toggle all the standard charts on/off and move them around and add your own charts. You can optionally share your own charts with everyone and search for c…
Is there any documentation regarding the custom javascript functionality?
There´s no ´custom´ JS, it´s just JavaScript.
The above posts show which data from Intervals can be obtained to use in your scripts.