Custom wellness fields now supports custom input fields for wellness (daily) data. They can be displayed on the calendar (with custom icon etc.), downloaded/uploaded in the wellness CSV and via the API and plotted on the fitness and compare pages.

Click “Fields” in the wellness dialog to create new fields and to find fields shared by others.

Tick off the standard wellness options or click the search button to look for those shared by others. Note that if you are coaching an athlete you can customise this dialog for them.

There was a request a while ago for a field for muscle mass % so I have added that:

The dialog shows fields shared by others as well as your own fields (shared or private). So you can add private fields to athletes you coach.

When you select a shared field from the dialog you (or the athlete you are working with) gets a copy that can be further customised if needed.

Note that the field will not automatically show up on the calendar if you are editing another athlete. They need to go to Options → Wellness on the calendar page and select it.

You can add your own fields by clicking the plus icon and edit existing fields using the pencil:

Note the the code field must be CamelCase and is used to reference the field in stored data, in the API and on plots and so on. Two fields with the same code are considered the same. It is better to not change it once a field is in use. The built-in fields all start with a lower case letter so forcing CamelCase avoids conflicts.

Please try use fields shared by others for the same concepts. You get your own copy and can make it look different but the code will be the same and hence shared charts and so on will work.

I am going to be extending this concept to per sport settings and activities soon. Custom fields on a sport will automatically be applied to activities for that sport and so on.


Don’t know if this has already been done but I’m not getting the newly created fields when downloading the wellness.csv through the API.
Manual download from within the website has the new fields. And a cURL call finds the fields too.

As per the request from @david in his original post above, “to keep fields common”, and that I asked for SweatRate and SodiumLoss to be added to the custom wellness fields, I’ve added them as follows:

It will appear on the calendar as follows (black water drop and 1.5L/Hr:
I’ve referenced the TrainingPeaks article on how to calculate it, but it’s also included in the Excel file that can be downloaded in the APP for Excel section.

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I ran into trouble by creating 2 custom fields starting with a number, “24hrAvgHR” and “24hrHRrange”.
I guess it is caused by the CamelCase forcing that isn’t taking this into account.
The fields are accepted on the intervals web page and I can populate them but they are inaccessible within the API.
I tried renaming them to “DailyAvgHR” and “DailyHRrange” but then I got errors on the former fields in the webpage that I can’t get rid of.
The only solution I found till now is recreating the initial fields on the web app and not using them. I have changed them to Private iso Public to avoid spreading the error.
@david : can you remove those fields? And handle this case by refusing fields starting with a number?

Tx for picking up that code bug. I have fixed the validation and got rid of those 24xxx fields.

I have also added support for plotting custom wellness fields on the fitness and compare pages.


There is another validation error problem. If you try to enter a negative number, by starting with the minus sign, in a numeric field, it’s not accepted. You can get around if you first enter the value and then put the minus sign in front of it.
I have populated those fields with the API and that was not a problem.

Will these data fields be able to be pulled through from Garmin (as tracked) or do we need to manually add the actual readouts for now?

For now you need to manually capture values.

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Is it possible to add custom fields in a 1-4 scale with descriptors, e.g. like Soreness? Specifically we’d like to add Sickness.


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Thank you for the update @david !

Can we consider Muscle Mass as Lean Body Mass? This will help to sync with (smart) scales like Withings/Garmin/etc and is a good addition to overall mass, and body fat.

Currently, I don’t see the values corresponding when I sync with

Thank you.

Yes I am going to add “text mapped to number” input.

@Ion-Lee_Kuiper Isn’t “lean body mass” just 100 - body fat%? New custom wellness fields won’t sync automatically. I need to do specific work for field codes that are popular to do that. Of course developers can use the API to populate fields.

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I can confirm that investing some time in learning how to use the API pays off big deal.
Handling all the data becomes so much easier :smiley:


This is a great feature! Some suggestions:

  • add the possibility for binary fields (yes/no) with a checkbox
  • add the possibility to define inputs like for sleep quality, where the user selects from a set of self-defined 3-4 options
  • add a “default value” to speed up entering information. For example, default for some question would be a “no” and you would only have to enter information if for the given day it’s a yes.

Hi David, these are different. See this:

What’s the difference between lean body mass and muscle mass?
These terms are often used interchangeably, but they are different. Lean body mass includes muscle mass—as well as the weight of your organs, bones, skin, and body water. Essentially, it’s everything except body fat. Muscle mass refers to only the weight of your muscles.

Can’t wait to get them into the fitness chart. I’d love to plot a chart with Resting HR VS. beers :wink:

Can we have a wider popup? Just to avoid horizontal scrollbars. Thanks

100% regarding binary fields.
I tried creating a simple y/n using 1/0 so that I can visually track naps, but the system won’t accept 0 as an input when inputing a day’s wellness metrics.

Here’s what I’m allowed to create, but only ‘1’ is an allowed value, not ‘0’.


After the recent changes to the “Wellness” section, there is a small anomaly.
Well, the “blood pressure” (systolic / diastolic) fields are not displayed. When I did this, I turned on “Field” to make it show and … it showed - I entered the data, closed the “Wellness” window.
You have entered “blood pressure” in the calendar header.
When I click on the “Wellness” field then … I don’t have fields to enter this “blood pressure” - again you have to go to “Fields” and put a tick so that this parameter is displayed in “Wellness”.


  • parameters and fields related to “blood pressure” are not saved in the settings and only works until the “Wellness” window is closed.
    Other fields / parameters that I use do not have this problem.

@david, can you take a look at this?


You have changed what is visible on the calendar, not wat is visible in the wellness dialog.
The one is under Calendar - Options - Wellness and is now a text list while the other is under Add Calendar Entry - Wellness - Data - Fields.


Just call your field Nap,
Use the description to show y=1, n=0