APPS in EXCEL - a guide to getting started

This section will help provide help when using some useful tools in Excel.
The latest version of each file will be linked here too.

Current features available

  • RHR / HRV chart
  • Annual Training Plan
  • Calculator - Sweat Rate

There are three version available, due to limitations in older versions of Excel, or due to some features not available, eg. MacOS versions. These should be downloaded to you computer, and used offline:

  • [Office 365] <— updated version coming soon
  • [MacOS] ← updated version coming soon

The Google Sheets version has been removed, with no future support.
Please use this version (Excel only).


Understanding the iTHlete RHR/HRV chart:

Understanding the Annual Training Plan:

What is the Annual Training Plan (ATP)?

It is a zoomed out view of your training plan for the year. It shows the Macro, Meso and Micro cycles of the plan, week by week. The Individual Sessions would show your daily plan on the ACTIVITIES PAGE.

Below is a graphical explanation of the various “cycles” used in the annual plan.

Image Source: Set for Set

  • Macro Cycle = Annual Plan
  • Meso Cycle = Base, Build, Peak/Taper, Race, Rest, Transition
  • Micro Cycle = a block of Base, eg. week 1-4
  • Training Days = the individual sessions (one, or more, per day).

Every year, at the end of your final event, you would normally review the season which has finished, and then spend time planning the new season. Traditionally, a periodised training plan works backwards from the “A” race. The “A” race is usually in week 27, and requires about 2 weeks of Peaking/Tapering. Thereafter, it’s 2x 4-weeks of Build (Speciality), and 3x 4-weeks of Base training. The 4 weeks prior to that would be Transition, which gets you ready to start structured training. Testing is also done in the initial phase (transition), so that you can start Base training on the correct levels.

  • Levels are also known as Zones.
  • Load is also known as TSS® (TSS is a registered trademark, owned by Peaksware, LLC).

So now that you



This is a blank template, that requires you to input your “planned training hours/load”. A good start is to look at your previous 12 months, and see how much you did in the corresponding period. Divide this total by 48 weeks (should allow for some rest/downtime, as a way to mentally, and physically, refresh the mind and body).

A practical example:

a. In, in the TOTALS page, I filter on the previous season, eg. mine is calendar week 20 (2021) to calendar week 19 (2022); southern hemisphere, plus the timing of my two “A” events.

b. I have an annual training load of 22500 (rounded to the nearest 2500);
c. For the new year, I would aim for a 10% increase in the total training load;
d. Divide the new total by 48 weeks (4 weeks are considered rest, and also free weeks);
e. This gives a load of 468 per week; average load. Remember that not all load is considered equal, so how it is calculated will vary depending on each activity;
f. High volume weeks will be much higher than the average, and Recovery weeks will be lower;
g. Base would be more sub-threshold work and lower intensity, while Build / Race would be higher intensity with less volume:

  • Volume is made up of Duration (Time) * Frequency (No. of sessions), while Intensity is how easy/hard the session is;
  • Training should be balance of Volume or Intensity, but not a 50/50 split.

    Type in the date (Monday) of the start of your plan. This will be the first Monday, that is 27 weeks prior to your A-event.

Start with what you know you want to train for.

  • A = Your first A-event. Depending on your goals, there could be 2-A events in 52 weeks.
  • B = similar to A-events, but don’t require a long taper period
  • C = training type events

are also known by some as blocks, eg. base block, build block, etc.
Traditionally in blocks of 4 weeks, with a load period of 3 weeks, and a deload of 1 week.

You can set this up for your previous year of training, and use the training load you had previously. Then compare this to the next 12 months, and see how you compare. If your coach has an annual plan, which they should do, you should be able to see the weekly planned load.

This weekly planned load is then inserted into Intervals, on the ACTIVITY PAGE.
Click on the summary information, and transform each week as per your plan.
Example below of week 39 (calendar week) showing 380 in the ATP and on the Summary information.

More to follow…


Understanding the Calculator - Sweat Rate

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@Gerald Are you also having problems with v3.1.2?

Initially, yes. There were privacy issues, but that was resolved by ignoring the privacy (tick box).

Helo @Gerald.
Your online spreadsheet fails to retrieve activities. Wellness gets charged properly.

I get the following error message in googlesheets on-line (Mac user)when I click on the Import data box after inserting my athlete ID and API key

Message details
Exception: Request failed for returned code 404. Truncated server response: {“timestamp”:“2022-10-03T05:09:30.244+00:00”,“status”:404,“error”:“Not Found”,“message”:“No message available”,“path”:"/api/v1/athlete//wellness.csv"} (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response).

Looks a great resource, so I’d like to get to the bottom of why it will not load data

This looks great!

But: 3. acces web content dialog does not display :frowning:

Did you make a copy of the file, and then work on the copy?

I need to go back to the original file, as the script isn’t mine. I modified if to pull the Wellness data.

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Might need to add a step to strip new lines from activity names

That’s a name from MyWhoosh which I only tried once so not sure if all of their rides will have that

Yup save a copy on to Google sheets

Thanks for this, I thought I’d give it a go. Done some reading on high north around periodisation but never gives any numbers.

Would something like this be appropriate?

OK, I now have Wellness data in but no activities, what step/stage have I missed to automatically populate that sheet? The same as Arthur_Chmielewski reported

You’re on the right track.

Coaches don’t give everything away, as it’s part of the services they offer, which is a revenue stream for them.


If you have issues getting data into the charts. The following worked for me:

Delete the Global Permission:


The spreadsheet is a great planning support!!! Thank you very much for sharing :grinning:

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Traditional periodisation would have the Orange bar charts as a flat line. This would be the peak overload, where it’s the same Load per week, eg. 500 and 560 each week, per block.

Hi Gerald,

this seems great.

I used the Google sheets version but am stuck at import after using ID and API.

Any ideas on how to fix the status 403 error access denied?

Capture d’écran, le 2022-10-12 à 18.52.24

Hi - I’m very new to Intervals and just starting to put together a plan for the 2023 season. Was the Office 365 version removed? Thanks so much for you help!