Workout builder

I’ll try tomorrow… thanks @zigford

Another vote for nested intervals! Seems like the future syntax could use parentheses or another symbol to denote nesting.

Here’s a workout I’m trying to build:

Main 3x
Sub1 10x

  • 30s on Z4 HR
  • 30s off Z1 HR


  • Easy 5m Z1 HR

Instead I’ll have to code it this way for now:

Sub1 10x

  • 30s on Z4 HR
  • 30s off Z1 HR


  • Easy 5m Z1 HR

Sub1 10x

  • 30s on Z4 HR
  • 30s off Z1 HR


  • Easy 5m Z1 HR

Sub1 10x

  • 30s on Z4 HR
  • 30s off Z1 HR


  • Easy 5m Z1 HR

By far the best builder I’ve used and maybe some of my questions/ideas are repeats

  1. is there a way to have a workout library? Currently I’ll keep the descriptions in excel under tabs for endurance/tempo/threshold rides, but would be cool to be able to schedule them

  2. When I duplicate a workout for the week ahead and then make changes to the second workout, I think it changes both. Is there a way to make it so you can choose to edit either that one workout or the entire series? Would be cool to schedule say vo2 for one day a week for the month and then edit each week for a higher % or shorter breaks

Keep up the amazing work

This create 2 diff workouts.
eg: i alt-drag from bottom to upper )dec 19) and then edited the copy. YOu can see there’s a difference in the workout graphic.

There’s a search function you could use as well.


I have tried to find this by searching the Forum, but failed to find an answer (possibly because non-Erg mode can have any one of a number of names).

Is it possible to define a segment or interval within a workout as a free ride (aka responsive mode) rather than specifying a power?

This wholly depends on what is your destination app / program / trainer that you are using.

For Zwift: You can use FreeRide

For Garmin HeadUnits:
I am not sure, but I do see this in the workout builder as option

If you’re using BreakAway, you can do switches to auto switch from ERG → RESIST /SLOPE Mode and vice versa.

hope that helps

Thank you, that was very helpful - I’m tweaking workouts and exporting them to Zwift.

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Is it possible to add slope ? With freeride, I have 1% in IcTrainer (SIM mode). For some sprint, I would like to change for 6 ou 7%


I usually receive my trianing plan in a way that at the same trainig both HR and power present like this:

  • 15’ 50-55% HR
  • 15’ 55-60% HR
  • 15’ 60-65% HR

main set 2x

  • 12’ 70-77%
  • 8’ 50%

-20’ 45-50%

If I save the training in this way the HR range is not visible on my Garmin during the training, it just counts down the time without showing the HR zones but afterwards the power zones are shown properly.

How can the HR and Power zones combined in order to see both properly on my Garmin?

Thank you!

See this…

your workouts can be ALL power, All HR or All Power with some HR
If you don’t see the workout graphic, likely it’s not in the intended format

Is there a possibility to implement a „skip last step of recovery“-feature in the workout builder? Would be nice to go straight into the cool down step after the last effort of a 4x8 interval session for example. (3x 8min Z5, 3min Z1; then another 8min z5 and then straight into cool down) :slight_smile:

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Could anyone provide me some examples of workouts using Stryd power zones? I’ve entered my Stryd CP value into Settings page under Running activity type and FTP field. But if I create a workout and check in Garmin it doesn’t show the power target range properly. Thanks.

it would be nice indeed!

Can you say me, why the pace is not send to the Garmin?

I see the possible issue.
You’re mixing pace and hr in the workout.

Quick tip. If you see the graphic has some blanks like your screenshot. Means it’s not going to be supported.

many thanks for the quick response. Is it not possible at all to mix pace and hr in one training session? I would like to do it for training with intervals because the heart rate is too sluggish

See below for workout from Tuesday executed on Garmin Fenix 6…

This was the result

as zigford mentioned above #899, you need to add the Stryd zones data field (IQ store-free) to the running data fields on your garmin…the garmin workout pages won’t show power, so just ignore those.

FWIW, i just added the stryd zones as one of my IQ pages on the “run” activity.


  • Speed/Distance(always);
  • Calibration 100%
  • Auto Calibration-OFF

You can custominze the data screen to show zone colors, distance, time, etc…

Thanks for the example and screenshots. This didn’t work for me, I had to put % of FTP, for example for an EZ jog:

Bloc Principal
- 30m 70-80% FTP # Footing facile

I don’t see what the meanings of the zones you’ve put before the brackets? Of course if I put explicit Wattages this also works but I usually structure my workouts in Stryd with % of CP.

Hmm, I just put Z1 and then it automatically fills in the wattage. I never fill in the actual wattage. Here is a screen shot of what it looks like when you are editing/creating a workout. The actual watts get filled in after.



the zones allow me to run in a range which are configured under setting per my FTP.


FYI, you don’t need to create workouts in Stryd, you can just create them in intervals and run them as you wish. Once Stryd asked for a monthly membership fee to create workouts I said no thank you.

The tickbox (bottom left) includes/excludes the values in brackets.
Save the workout, then opening it again, reveals the tickbox.

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