many thanks for the quick response. Is it not possible at all to mix pace and hr in one training session? I would like to do it for training with intervals because the heart rate is too sluggish
See below for workout from Tuesday executed on Garmin Fenix 6…
This was the result
as zigford mentioned above #899, you need to add the Stryd zones data field (IQ store-free) to the running data fields on your garmin…the garmin workout pages won’t show power, so just ignore those.
FWIW, i just added the stryd zones as one of my IQ pages on the “run” activity.
- Speed/Distance(always);
- Calibration 100%
- Auto Calibration-OFF
You can custominze the data screen to show zone colors, distance, time, etc…
Thanks for the example and screenshots. This didn’t work for me, I had to put % of FTP, for example for an EZ jog:
Bloc Principal
- 30m 70-80% FTP # Footing facile
I don’t see what the meanings of the zones you’ve put before the brackets? Of course if I put explicit Wattages this also works but I usually structure my workouts in Stryd with % of CP.
Hmm, I just put Z1 and then it automatically fills in the wattage. I never fill in the actual wattage. Here is a screen shot of what it looks like when you are editing/creating a workout. The actual watts get filled in after.
the zones allow me to run in a range which are configured under setting per my FTP.
FYI, you don’t need to create workouts in Stryd, you can just create them in intervals and run them as you wish. Once Stryd asked for a monthly membership fee to create workouts I said no thank you.
The tickbox (bottom left) includes/excludes the values in brackets.
Save the workout, then opening it again, reveals the tickbox.
Hi guys,
I am trying to create my first workouts.
I add the structured steps, but they do not appear on the timeline below. What do I wrong?
Syntax is totally wrong.
Start with using m for minutes, s for seconds and h for hours.
Or use the workout builder to familiarise yourself with the syntax before typing directly. Click on Edit, then add step and reproduce what you have typed in your workout structure.
Thank you.
I try to edit the syntax (basically used the steps part, the syntax was created by the builder.).
Yep, the space is not needed between the number and min, and I have to use m instead of min. It works fine. Thank you!
If there’s somewhere a “definitive” guide for all syntax options I’d be interested !
I’ll update a few of these posts latrr today or in the week.
This post has been updated, with some syntax used on the workout builder.
Hopefully it’s user-friendly enough; let me know what could change.
Remember that the ADD STEP function is already quite user-friendly, and has multiple options to load a usable workout.
There are some examples at the beginning of the thread, but you’ll get the hang of it after a few tries. Really is easy.
On a side note…nice to see a felow Hungarian on the forum…
Thanks, Cheers !
Yep, it is pretty easy by now, I just had to play around a bit to get used to the rules.
Yesterday I did my first intervals-created workout containing a freeride section. I was a bit surprised (though not unhappy) that the resistance didn’t reflect the route and terrain. This was different for my old workouts created at I guess, this is because the workout builder puts “FlatRoad = 1” in the XML. Would it be possible to control this behavior with a keyword like “freeride simulation” or “freeride flatroad”?
Is there a way to have a text message appear when you are x minutes/seconds into the interval?
No, not currently.
I’m trying to find the reference David made about a single line of text.
After initially fully not understanding how the workout builder works, this has now become one of my favorite features!
This is indeed the easiest way to build a workout!
Hi there,
I’ve been using the workout builder and it works great. One thing I’m running into though, when I want to repeat interval workouts, is there any way to program the repeats automatically?
e.g. I want to do an over/under workout which is
3x12min, with each 12m block consisting of
2m @ 105% - 1m @ 95%
I’m writing this as
2m 105%
1m 95%
6m 55%
2m 105%
1m 95%
6m 55%
2m 105%
1m 95%
6m 55%
Where I would like to write it is something like
2m 105%
1m 95%
6m 55%]
Is what I want currently possible?
nope… nested blocks are currently not/not yet supported