Tp2intervals - Copy TrainingPeaks and TrainerRoad workouts\plans to Intervals

It absolutely can do it. You can copy workouts from Intervals calendar to TrainingPeaks calendar.

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That worked @Someone_Else . Thanks for the clarification and work!

Through process of elimination i deleted the cookies one by one to see what was required, and only needed the _strava4_session= xxxx cookie in the end.

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how, because i cant

The TrainingPeaks workout library and calendar are different things. The app canā€™t create workouts in library and canā€™t create training plans in TrainingPeaks. Though it can create workouts in TrainingPeaks calendar.

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@Victorcerezuela it depends on the time zone relative to the TP servers. Normally, with a free account, you can only create a new workout for today. It was mentioned in prior posts (not sure if it was this one:

this is awesome, i have my trainer using Intervals and i switched too but my nutritionist still on TP so i need to update tp calendar.

Right now iā€™m still planning my training first on TP for the Nutritionist and then i want to synch it to Intervals, and i understood that you are developing thisā€¦
when my premium sub on TP will end iā€™ll definetely switch to Intervals also to create the workout in my calendar and iā€™ll just synch to free TP for the Nutrinionistā€¦

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Would be it possible to automate running sync planned workouts from intervals to TP on a daily basis on a Mac? Maybe via applescrtipt / automator? Unfortunately I do not have the tech skills, but maybe somebody already achieved it ā€¦ any luck? Thanks in advance!

Version 0.8.1 Release v0.8.1 Ā· freekode/tp2intervals Ā· GitHub

  • Strava. Now can sync any type of activit
  • TrainingPeaks. Added support to sync planned workouts from TrainingPeaks to Intervals

Hi! Im encountering an issue with syncing planned swim workouts from TP to Intervals. As you can see in the screenshots below the swim has a build out plan in TP but in intervals its emtyā€¦? Any solution for this?

Out of curiousity, how does the workout actually look in TP?

I tried to copy your workout desc, but this doensā€™t actually build the workout.

I pulled a :man_swimming: workout from TP Built in Bundled library and their workout has a ā€œworkout detailsā€ portion but your screenshot either doesnā€™t or has it cropped?

The issue I think with some of the TP swims is that even if they have the ā€œWorkout Detailsā€, they sometimes combine both time & distance intervals which I donā€™t think is possible within Intervals. Also a couple that I looked at from the TP library had nested intervals which need separating out for them to work within Intervals. That would probably then lead to so many intervals presumably with a Lap Button press in between that it would also get very complicated. A bit of paper stuck onto a water bottle is far easier.

With the example from the screenshot attached, if the workout details are copied & pasted into Intervalsā€™ workout builder & allowing for the fact that the nested intervals have been resolved it would not work without further parsing into Intervalā€™s necessary steps. 200m @ 6 RPE does not equate to 10secs rest in between the 4X50 for example. And the distances need appropriate units added for them to work.

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Is your workout distance based? If so, then it doesnā€™t work yet, distance based steps are not supported.
Iā€™m gonna start implementation this weekend. Could you show me steps for your workout (targets, etc), so I will have some sort of real workout. I donā€™t swim :slight_smile:

This is how the workout looks like in TP

ahā€¦ just like what @David_Bannister said, your workout has a mix of (or purely) distance based intervals. Thatā€™s the key thing which isnā€™t supported by (in fact, when I tried to parse it myself using my BreakAway app, i also suffered a crash as I wasnā€™t handling the distance based steps)

@Someone_Else did say that he will go and support distance based steps, but iā€™m thinking that it may not end up how you want it. Iā€™m not sure.

in my mind, a disstance based step means - complete 1 lap, 25m (of a 50m pool) in whatever time it takes. But in intervals, everything is to be mapped out against your pace/100m. Or, the better way to do it is to just put it as an open lap, when youā€™re done w/ 25m (self gauge), then you press the lap button.

@Delando1 TP workouts work with Garmin as they are distance based & so really the problem is presumably trying to use Intervals for Load approximation & getting the intervals recognised afterwards? If @Someone_Else can find a way to get Intervals to recognise distance steps then this will be great.

As @app4g currently the easiest way is probably to use the lap button. The screenshots show how the TP workout can be parsed into Intervalā€™s format using the lap button so as to get an idea of likely Load ahead of completing the workout. But if you are using TP then you will likely already have this. So probably the only signnifcant advantage might be that the intervals are recognised automatically in Intervals once you upload the workout. But to be honest my experience of Garminā€™s lap detection in the pool is that many workouts need to go through corrections (via Swimming Watch Tools - Upload) before they are accurate anyway so adding manual intervals is not that much extra effort really. Faster cadence swimmers perhaps have less issues as lap detection can be triggered if arm stops moving for something like 1-1.5 seconds I think or alternatively based on the acceleration from push off. So slow cadence or weak push off swimmers can confuse it.

This becomes

I forgot to add in this link which I found whilst exploring the Forum where @david explains that distance based workout intervals are supported which I hadnā€™t realised worked for swimming also (at least in planning even if not syncing with TP) .

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dangā€¦ must have missed this somehow. Gotta explore a bit more on how itā€™s being implemented

I have a lot of running plans which are distance based with % of threshold pace for the workout targets. So if possible, could you look at implementing for running. i.e warmup 2km @70-80% of Threshold pace

I have also tried copying run workouts based on time and % threshold pace. This also does not work, only the workout text description gets imported and not the structured workout. i.e warmup 10 mins @70-80% of Threshold pace

Threshold pace is set under the run pace settings

Hi everyone,

Question to all of you. I would like to improve experience for initial configuration for platforms. I want to write better manuals how to copy cookie, etc.
What do you think is better: write better text manual with detailed steps or maybe add screenshots and do something similar to this

If you have some ideas, Iā€™d be happy to hear them.

This one