Tp2intervals - Copy TrainingPeaks and TrainerRoad workouts\plans to Intervals

give the one labelled as “access_token” a whirl. Tho I see the readme says

TrainingPeaks Auth Cookie

If you want ot use TrainingPeaks you need to configure it. Copy cookie Production_tpAuth (key and value, smth like Production_tpAuth=very_long_string) from the browser on TrainingPeaks page.

It should be in the tab called header.

Did you try a different browser?

No I’ve always used Safari. Guess I can try a different one to see

You are doing good. Gerald is right, check headers or cookies tab, just like described [IMPLEMENTED] Push workout to Wahoo - #87 by nasatt
Then just search for Production_tpAuth...

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With help of the users from different time zones. I’ve found restriction regarding planning workouts for tomorrow with free TrainingPeaks account.

Officially you can’t plan workouts for future dates, but practically you can plan workout for tomorrow with free TP account. TP server local time is in UTC-6 time zone. You can plan workout for the next day relative to TP local server time.

E.g your TZ is UTC+2, current local date time 20.05.2024 06:00. TP server local datetime is 19.05.2024 22:00. You can plan workouts for 20.05.2024, you can’t plan workouts for 21.05.2024, you can do it in 2 hours.

E.g your TZ is UTC+12, current local date time 20.05.2024 18:00. TP server local date time is 20.05.2024 00:00. You can plan workouts for 21.05.2024.


It took me a few attempts to eventually get it right, but following the instructions does work.

  1. Make sure the web browser is on
  2. Network
  3. All
  4. Click
  5. Select the Cookie: text, copy and paste the whole text to notepad, word or any other text editor.
  6. Find the Production_tpAuth (scroll down).

You can skip 5. if you find Production_tpAuth, but you need to copy the full text (ends with AwaitingReconsent=False;).

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Same as posted here.
If it’s not working on Safari, a different browser should work?

Thank you all for your patience. I finally appear to have this working :). Now to transfer over some training plans and workouts :+1:

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Now it works perfectly thank you. One question. Can you transfer over workout libraries? Not the workouts planned in your calendar, but the list of workouts in your workout folders on the left hand side?

Yes. Click TrainingPeaks → Copy Plan, then select plan or workout library from the list.


Thanks that worked a treat! I had not scrolled down far enough to see the workout libraries

Hello, I am trying to get this setup using a Mac computer.
Trying to follow the instructions here.

However, I can’t seem to find or get the required info off the developers tools page settings in my chrome browser for both or training peaks.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Where are you getting stuck?
Which step?

Have you tried this?

Hi, everyone

New version 0.6.0 is available on GitHub Release v0.6.0 · freekode/tp2intervals · GitHub

I added support for TrainingPeaks Coach accounts. Now as a coach you can copy your plans and workout libraries from TrainingPeaks to Intervals.


@Someone_Else This is awesome - thank you! When importing a plan from TP, how do you determine what the start date is?

drag it in to your calendar to the date you want it to start?

It returned in TP rest api, although it’s used only on backend. All imported plans in Intervals start from this Monday.

I see that workout in TP appear in intervals but very ofter the ride is paired with the wrong WO (when I have more than one on the same day, for example). I see that you can unpair the workout from the ride but do not understand how to pair a specific WO to a given ride. I cannot use executable on my PC, so i think that most of the github stuff is not good for me (even if I understood what it is).
Any idea?