Tp2intervals - Copy TrainingPeaks and TrainerRoad workouts\plans to Intervals

Thanks for clarifying it, I´ve just checked and it appears with a TSS number and graphs in Once it happened I just got a workout with TR name and empty fields.

Ok, got it, thanks. TSS on ui is taken directly from TR API, though TSS for workout is calculated automatically on Intervals based on step intensity.
@Gleb_Turlakov to fix this i need logs with json response from TrainerRoad. There is manual how todo this. Send me logs on email or via private messages

Version 0.8.0 Release v0.8.0 · freekode/tp2intervals · GitHub

Added Strava support. Copy activities from Strava to Intervals. It exports the original file from Strava and Uploads it to Intervals. You can show this activity to anyone, as it doesn’t have any relations to Strava.


Hi all, i’m trying to import all my personal Workout Library from training peaks to Interval, and i found this tool!

I am stuck right now because i got this error

Must be in format Production_tpAuth=[a-zA-Z0-9-_]*

have you ever had the same problem?


Make sure you dont have any semicolons ; in your string, or other stuff.
Also if you use firefox, it cuts the value. Here how to fix it

thanks a lot!

can you please explain what it means this picklist values?

This is for Garmin, it will be added for each step in all workouts. I don’t have Garmin, I’m not sure how it works in detail. It does just what Intervals does on this screen.

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Thanks! i’m using wahoo so don’t mind.

Last…i promise.

about the first features:

Current set of features

For TrainingPeaks

Athlete account

  • Copy planned workouts from Intervals to TrainingPeaks
  • Copy whole training plan or workout library from TrainingPeaks to Intervals
  • Copy planned workouts from TrainingPeaks to Intervals training plan or workout library

it seems the opposite to me

it is not possible to import my training peaks calendar (i have a coach using TP) into my calendar?


Ah in this version you can’t sync planned workouts, but this functionality actually ready and working. I will add it in a few days

You can copy planned workouts from TP calendar to Intervals library. E.g. your coach created a plan for you and already planned workouts for several weeks. You can create a workout plan in Intervals from this planned workouts

No worries, I’m here to answers all your questions :slight_smile:

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Thanks, so i could import the planned workouts from TP as workout library in Intervals and then just place these workouts in my calendar…
I guess i will wait the new feature to just synch the calendars !
Thanks a lot!

sorry again…how i can connect strava?

on github there is this method “For using Strava just copy all your cookies from browser for Strava. It should be enough.”

but what it means?

on the app there is this one:

but im confused because strava if you create your own app will change every 6 hours the key.

I got that Strava is quitting the visibility on (and others) to someone else than you, so i was thinking to delete all my activities synched with strava, quit the strava synching and replace it with your APP (download files and upload on intervarls).

ok found how to collect the right cookie, but in this way can’t be possible to collect some activities like Gym or Walk.

and its any posibility to do de inverse method, i’ve created workouts on intervals but i dont know how to export to TP, or muy trainning plans

Which is the right cookie that you found, and in what format did you enter it into Tp2intervals? I had no luck getting it to work

dont remember very well, but it should be this one

Thanks but not having any luck with it. Did you remember if you entered it in the same format as for Trainer Road & Training Peaks i.e.


No , only the string

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Hi, everyone, sorry not answering, being sick :mask:

You can copy all cookies from in the Configuration. I made a small guide
tp2intervals/docs/strava.jpg at main · freekode/tp2intervals · GitHub

Goal is just to copy all cookies from the site, I’m not sure which one is important and which one is not, but some of it should work :slight_smile:

Yeah, rn, it doesn’t support walk or gym, I will add it in a few days, this should be quick fix.

Unfotunately no, the app can’t create workouts in TP library and can’t create TP plans.

I’m not sure, but seems cookie _strava4_session is required. Anyway you can copy all of them as one string and put in Configuration, there is no validation or limitation right now.

Hi, I am confused regreding intervals vs TrainingPeaks.
This is not possibile ?

Current set of features

For TrainingPeaks

Athlete account

  • Copy planned workouts from Intervals to TrainingPeaks

I want to create a workout on my intervals calendar for tomorrow and i want to synch it to Training peaks calendar for tomorrow too.