Tp2intervals - Copy TrainingPeaks and TrainerRoad workouts\plans to Intervals

Screenshots as per your example please

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Hi, everyone

Version 0.9.0 is here Release v0.9.0 · freekode/tp2intervals · GitHub

Added support for distance based steps in structured workouts. I also updated a guide for TrainingPeaks initial configuration.

Let me know you like it.


Any idea whats wrong when getting this error:
Where can logs be found on MacOs?

Kind Regards,


It seems there is unexpected response from TrainingPeaks.

Can you do these steps and then send me the logs (via PM or on, then they will contain much more information for me to fix the issue:

  1. Go to Configuration
  2. In Generic section, set Log Level to DEBUG, click Confirm
  3. Reproduce your issue

Logs should be here <user directory>/Library/Logs/tp2intervals/main.log

Thanks for the great app! It really helps a lot

I have a question regarding zones:
I changed my Intervall Zones after transfering and starting a training plan from TP.

Old LTHR was 176, new 168. I resynched the training plan (in the plan overview page) after changing it. For the workout scheduled today the zones were adjusted, for future trainings not.
Is this a Intervals issue? Or do I have a possibility to recalculate zones for future trainings?

Todays workout with correct zones:

Here is a future Training that still does not have the new zones:

The app copies workouts steps, always in percentages.
So, my first thought this is Intervals issue.

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I’m not sure if I read the documentation correctly… is it possible to auto-sync TR workouts to or TrainingPeaks? With a cron job?

Yes, it’s possible. Run the app via docker and just link script to cron dir as it says in documentation.

Right now, the script won’t work with standalone versions, because server port is always random.

Hm…script is only for TrainingPeaks, I will think how to make it ready for TR

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Thanks. If you manage to do it, please give me a step by step guide, I know a lot of people would really like that functionality as it will enable TR workouts to show up in Training Peaks Virtual.

Sure. Could you describe use case of TR workouts in TrainingPeaks? Maybe I can do smth with it…

The use case is to be able to execute the Trainer Road workouts in Training Peaks Virtual (which is like zwift TrainingPeaks Virtual).

The workout for the day is synced automatically from either or Training Peaks, so it doesn’t matter to me which platform the TrainerRoad workouts go to.

With the current version of your app, I can add the workouts to or even the entire plan, but if I make any changes to the TrainerRoad schedule (which happens frequently) it then has to be updated manually. It would be great if the TR workouts could be automatically kept in sync between TR and either or Training Peaks.

Ok, thanks for the info. I think I got it, I will check out what I can do.

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Would it be possible to include attachments contained in notes (training peaks)?

Yes, I will try to add it later on

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Thanks!!! Now I need to optimise it for Garmin workout

Thanks for posting this. I’m an old school Unix/Linux guy with lots of command-line experience. But not an active developer/engineer.

Decided to get some experience with Docker, installed on MacBook Pro with Apple Silicon. Then used “docker run …” from terminal in Docker and got an error message and a warning (AMD64 on ARM macOS):

Do you know if this will work, or not?

Thanks in advance.

p.s. I was able to connect via localhost:8080 and bring up the config page.


Configured and it is basically working.

I have TP Premium, however from tp2Intervals I can only sync today and tomorrow:

My TP calendar has workouts thru the end of March.

Someone with a Mac Silicon computer. Does this run natively or does it require Rosetta?

Dunno. I’ve got tp2intervals running inside a Docker container, and Docker thinks its running some AMD64 code. So I assume Rosetta2 is getting involved behind the scenes, but I’m just getting started with Docker.

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Thanks for noticing, yeah, there is no check for premium users. I will add in next version.

I run it on my M1, but I probably have Rosetta installed. Anyway I think I can configure build for M1 processors.

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