Recreate ithlete rHR/HRV chart?

Nice job!
I’ve set to “immediately” so I take my morning HRV and right after I can open the sheet at the mobile and get the prescribed action.

Thank you all,


I have the same problem not getting a graph result for today. I think I know why this happens. There is a bug in the code.
If you try to show the graph when the data for today is still empty, you get a row on the HRV calc tab with only todays date. The data sorting, further right on that page, sets the points to plot and is updating when new data comes in. But the graph isn’t updating.

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Unfortunately this isn’t working…
Back to the desktop …

After running the import macro, I don’t see values in the HRV_Calc sheet until I’ve reloaded the spreadsheet (I have the spreadsheet in my Google Drive).

It’s been working well for me after data import and reloading.


Is there any update so we can have the background colors for the cells RHR Z-Score and HRV Z-Score so i dont need to change between sheets to see what day i was tired or needed recovery?


In the google sheets version? Do you mean these columns coloured to reflect the colours on the main graph?


Yes, is it possible? Does anyone else feel the need of that future or just me? :smiley:

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Conditional formatting will sort that. Let me me know if assistance is required.

Hi, I’m new to codes… I’d like to use the google sheet I downloaded from excel but when I enter my data (about 35 days: date, RHR and HRV) I don’t have any points showing on the graph. What am I doing wrong? thanks all

Is it the Google sheets file you’re having issue with or the Excel file?
I don’t understand this bit - I’d like to use the google sheet I downloaded from excel
I don’t use the Google sheets version at all but might be able to assist if it’s the excel sheet you’re having issue with

Désolé, j’ai fait une erreur dans ma phrase, j’ai téléchargé le fichier Excel à partir de votre feuille Google (Intervals_API_Tools_Office365_v1.5). J’ai un problème avec les points qui ne s’affichent pas dans mon fichier excel. Merci

Ah. I understand now. You downloaded the Excel from from Google Drive?

What is the issue exactly with the excel sheet? I can try to help. My French is very limited though.
You shouldn’t have to enter data on the excel sheet. It should automatically refresh. I will post screenshots detailing what to do

Enter AthleteID in ‘ReadMe’ sheet

Data > Get Data > From Web

Enter this url - (xxxxx is your athlete id )

Then go to
Data > Get Data > Data Source Settings > Global Permissions > Edit Permissions > Edit > Basic

username is API_Key. password is your api number

Set privacy levels to none

That should be it I think. There are a couple of errors that might pop up the first time you login. These are covered in the ReadMe sheet


Thanks lot, i send you a message. Have you see ?

Sorry, i’ve another question. After import my google sheet in intervals, i want the graph but it’s empty… why ? Thanks

If the data doesn’t show in Intervals first, the Google Sheet isn’t going to work as the sheet pulls the data from intervals. My HRV and RHR is synced to Intervals from Garmin and shows in intervals as below

The sheet then pulls in the data after running the macro, runs some calculations then plots it ala

I have to say, I’ve been amazingly impressed with this. The analysis picked out I was going to get a full on cold a day or so before it happened and I could adapt accordingly.

Damien, je peut t’aider en Français si tu préfère. il faut comprendre comment les données se mettent dans les differents utilitaires. Le but est de rentrer les données HRV/RHR dans Intervals au propre endroit, soit les champs HRV et restingHR. De la, le graphique HRV sur la page Fitness de Intervals, te montre les données ‘façon HRV4Training’. Le fichier Excel, en suite, va chercher ces données par un appel API. Il est donc nécessaire de mettre ton AthleteID et API_Key dans le fichier pour avoir accès a tes propre données. Si tout fonctionne correctement, le tabulaire Wellness aura toutes les données Wellness que tu as rentré auparavant. Le graphique iThlete dans le fichier Excel devrait montrer les résultats ‘façon iThlete’.
La version Google sheets, également va chercher les données HRV/RHR dans Intervals par une connexion API et regénere le graphique de façon comparable. Cette version a été développé pour ceux qui n’ont pas accès a une version récente de MS Office et/ou préfèrent une solution fonctionnel sur le smartphone.


Would this cover your demand?

Do you mean like this?

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