Multi-week Training Plan Creator (Intertools)

TL;DR: Intertools is a collection of tools for So far, it has two tools that help you create training plans. Check it out:

Update 2023-10-26: I’ve scaled up the server resources to minimize long loading time in certain cases (e.g. boot up)

Dear fellow riders,

A bit over two months after I wrote a small computer program to manage my workouts and create training plans on, I thought it might be useful to other riders as well.

I present to you Intertools, a collection of tools for So far it’s a small collection of two tools: Multi-week Training Plan Creator and Joe Friel’s Training Method Importer.

Joe Friel’s Training Method Importer

It all started when I spoke with Alex (FastFitnessTips) and got introduced to FastFitnessTips’s Free PLAN from Joe Friel’s Training Method — a configurable spreadsheet that helps you come up with a four week training plan. It is great but I longed for a tool that could automate the process instead of me having to manually copy and paste each of the workout descriptions over to my calendar on, one by one.

I then created what is now Intertools’ Joe Friel’s Training Method Importer that, with a click of a button, imports the training plan generated by that spreadsheet into your Library.

Multi-week Training Plan Creator

I didn’t stop there and continued writing more code. After reading super helpful and educative thoughts on the Load (TSS) weekly ramp topic, I imagined a tool like Intertools’ Multi-week Training Plan Creator.

Provided with a collection of workouts of different power zone, duration, load, and intensity, I could define a sequence of criteria (e.g. z5:120:90:95 for zone:load:time:intensity) and feed it to a program that would then rollout an entire week of workouts that sum up to a certain load, limited by time and/or intensity, each on a specific power zone. Such sequence of criteria could also include rest days. Then, for the following week, I’d increase those numbers by a certain percentage and repeat the process until I reach the desired number of weeks, while maintaining an ideal ramp rate. That’s what Intertools’ Multi-week Training Plan Creator does. Its landing page has a more detailed explanation of how it works, but the gist of it is that it helps you create a training plan that is tailored to your needs and goals.

What’s next?

Is there something I missed? Is there something I should’ve done differently? I’m more than open to feedback and suggestions. If you have any, please let me know in the comments below.

Also, I have a few ideas for more tools that I’d like to build, but I’d rather hear from you. Is there something you’d like to see next? What would be useful to you? Please, don’t hesitate to comment below.

Thank you!


Great tool!
I tried it, for me it’s not working perfectly as I mostly run. And cycling trainings are too complicated to my taste, I’d prefer simple intervals as in my gym I use my watch to signal interval changes.


Love it!
Any chance of adding ‘Heart rate’ as an alternative to ‘Power’?


Brilliant, thank you. Now with autumn here in the UK I was going to build something similar & you beat me to it!
Will have a play & will provide some feedback over the coming days

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Agreed. It would be great to see a running version of this & stretch goal - cross training.

There are various running plan generators this could be based on, eg

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HEY guy , awesome tool! A question today a open and "training style " Threshold is not appear anymore , any idea or mistake i made?

Just discovered this tool. Gotta say thanks, but that just does not cover it.


Hey, Ivanjaarsveld! I’d be very much interested in understanding your feedback! I’d sincerely appreciate if you could share your ideas and how you would see that covering it. Thanks!

Hey, @R_S1. Could you please clarify your question?

I’d appreciate any feedback you have, @sandeater! I hope it’s being useful to you.

Hey, @icycletia, thanks for your feedback. All workouts in the tool are based in Power. There might be a Power x HR relation but it’s very personal. Perhaps there’s a general relationship that can be used to derive a given HR zone from a Power zone, but so far I am not aware of that. I’d appreciate any ideas around that.

Thanks for your ideas, @Artem_Smelovskii and @sandeater, I’ll give them some thought and perhaps I come up with a tool for runners. And then I’d turn into a runner myself too =)

@scorphus , I meant to say that “thanks” is not enough weight to how thankful I am for your tool. It’s super useful. The only thing I can imagine is maybe incorporating joe’s spreadsheet into a web-based version to get rid of the dreadful spreadsheet.

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Hey @lvanjaarsveld, that’s great! Just so awesome to know it’s super useful to you! Thanks for your feedback and sorry I didn’t understand it in the first place :smiling_face:

The only thing I can imagine is maybe incorporating joe’s spreadsheet into a web-based version to get rid of the dreadful spreadsheet

Well, I must give another shout out to the creator of that spreadsheet, Alex @fastfitnesstips. What do you think of this, Alex?

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hi Scorphus thanks for the shout out and for your hard work. It is not easy to convert the google sheet into a webpage. The usual sheet to page apps don’t seem to work well with dynamic sheets. The formulas in the sheet are quite complex with lots of logic statements. Indeed the frieldiary4 itself is a simple version of the 12w calculator. However, I can do a better job of embedding them (see FFT CALCULATORS - (Fastfitness Group))…I have improved a lot of these using chatGPT! If anyone has any suggestions on sheet > webpage conversions please let me know! regards alex

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Hi Sandeater, this link you mention is a nice countdown race planner for running. In fact I already created this for cyclists using google sheets. Here is the embedded link: RACE PLANNER - (Fastfitness Group) and here is the full sheet link. I suggest to make a plan and print it out using the print to pdf icon in the top left FastFitness Labs: Race Planner _v5 - Google Tabellen