Integration Cookbook

This tells you everything you need to know to get completed activities into, to download planned workouts and to read and update wellness data. Example calls use curl so you can easily try them out.



Apps need use an access_token obtained via OAuth. If you are just working with your own data call the API using your personal API key (available towards the bottom of the settings page) and basic authentication.

Uploading completed activities

This is done by POSTing multipart/form-data. Example using an access_token from OAuth (ACTIVITY:WRITE scope is required):

$ curl -F \
    '' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer d842c1fc25f241e5ae440d09756448a9'

Same example using a personal API key:

$ curl -F \
    '' \
    -u API_KEY:6dzmsans11bsyifjxchr87oum

The name and description URL parameters are optional. The file can be fit, tcx or gpx or a zip or gz of the same.

Note that the athlete id in the path is ‘0’. This indicates that the athlete ID that the access_token or API key belongs to should be used.

Downloading planned workouts

You can download planned workouts from an athlete’s calendar in zwo (Zwift), fit, mrc and erg format (CALENDAR:READ scope required):

$ curl '' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer d842c1fc25f241e5ae440d09756448a9'

The optional category parameter specifies what sort of events to return (planned workouts in this case). The ext parameter the format (leave out if you don’t need the file). The resolve=true parameter converts power (and heart rate etc.) from units like % of FTP into watts. The default date range is a week from today (use oldest and newest parameters in ISO-8601 format to change).

Example abridged response:

    "id": 46696127,
    "start_date_local": "2024-11-21T07:00:00",
    "type": "Ride",
    "category": "WORKOUT",
    "name": "Big Gear Grinds",
    "description": "...",
    "workout_doc": {
      "description": "A great session for building cycling specific strength both in and out of the saddle.",
      "target": "POWER",
      "steps": [
          "text": "Welcome to the ...",
          "duration": 180,
          "warmup": true,
          "ramp": true,
          "power": { "start": 35.0,  "end": 55.0, "units": "%ftp" },
          "cadence": { "value": 85.0,  "units": "rpm" },
          "_power": { "value": 126.0,  "start": 98.0, "end": 154.0 }
    "workout_filename": "Big_Gear_Grinds.zwo",
    "workout_file_base64": "PD94bWwgdmVy..."

The workout_file_base64 field contains the file in the specified format (zwo in this case) encoded as base 64 text.

The workout_doc field contains the workout in native format. If you don’t already have a parser for one of the other formats then this might be easier to work with.

See this guide for instructions on how to upload planned workouts.

Updating wellness data

Push weight, resting HR, HRV, steps etc. using the bulk wellness upload endpoint (WELLNESS:WRITE scope required):

curl -X PUT '' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer d842c1fc25f241e5ae440d09756448a9' \
    -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    -d '[{"id":"2024-11-20","weight": 69.1},{"id":"2024-11-19","weight": 69.3}]'

Each object in the array must have an id (the ISO-8601 local date of the record) and whatever other fields you want to update. See the full docs for a list of possible fields. All units are metric.

Downloading wellness data

Call the list wellness endpoint (WELLNESS:READ scope required):

curl '' \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer d842c1fc25f241e5ae440d09756448a9'