Workout builder

When you import a ZWO file with textevents in it, Intervals only picks up the last textevent for a given interval which will appear on screen at the beginning of the interval, and therefore may be contextually completely irrelevant to what you are doing.

If textevents can’t be handled correctly on import, could there be an option to ignore all textevents on import, or failing that, ignore textevents by default?

if you can connect to the garmin (via Usb) and grab the FIT file from it (the workout file), then you can upload it here.

Note: Never done it before. but as you can do it to upload a FIT file to Garmin, should be doable the reverse.

AFAIK Currently only 1 comment/Cue per Interval is supported for any workouts (either imported or manually entered)

Tagging @david

That’s my understanding also,.in which case it would be best if they weren’t imported, or import the first textevent, not the last

Thanks I’ll check that out next time I connect it to a wire…

Could you please mail me ( one of those ZWOs and I will see if I can improve the import. Tx.

Will do

Okay so I managed to create a workout in the calendar but how do I save it to my workout library, how do I export it?

Maybe we should have option workout creator/library and be able to plan them on certain dates/time?

Open your library and drag your training into the library. You can then move them from the library as you wish.

thank but the workouts created fail to get imported by the elemnt app. I tried all the different export formats none of the formats work (all give an error like bad gpx tcx file)

Sorry, I misunderstood your problem. Since I do everything with Garmin, unfortunately I can’t help you.

Maybe there’s something there

1 Like

Thanks, you understood, it was a 2 part problem, you answered both :+1:

I have this description in workout (it’s long one).

This ride combines two important elements of "base training": high-cadence (neuromuscular) work in the first hour of the ride, low-cadence (strength endurance) work in the second hour, and in the final hour we do a bit of high-intensity maintenance while already fatigued to get a bit of an additional stimulus.

--1h @ 55-70% FTP that includes the following set:
4 x (
--10' @ self-selected cadence
--4' @ 100+ rpm (can be done sitting up)
--1' @ maximum sustainable cadence (can be done sitting up)

--1h as 3 x (15' @ 70-75% FTP and 50-60 rpm, 5' very easy spin)

--1h as
*5 x 1.5´ @ VO2max-effort (estimated best 5-minute power, or ~120% FTP) / 1.5' easy spin
*5' easy spin
*2 x 7' @ threshold-effort (95-100% FTP) / 3' easy spin
*5' easy spin
*Then easy riding in Z2 to prescribed duration. Keep the effort nice and relaxed, stay at the low end of the zone if needed.


--Session-RPE for the workout should be 6-8/10

--Be well fuelled and hydrated coming into the workout. And fuel and hydrate adequately during the workout.
-- - - -
Zwift option:

If you want to, you can do the first 2 hours of the workout as prescribed, but then jump into a Zwift race or hard drop ride instead od doing the structured intensity. Finish off with easy endurance to complete the prescribed duration.
- - - -
Imported with tp2intervals (

- - - -
- Active 1h 55-70% 

- Steady 15m 70-75% 50-60rpm
- Easy 5m 45-60% 

- Hard 1m30s 115-125% 
- Easy 1m30s 40-55% 

- Active 5m 50-60% 

- Hard 7m 95-100% 
- Easy 3m 40-55% 

- Active 5m 50-60% 
- Active 15m 55-75% 

It interpreted as workout with such steps

These first steps on chart, small green one and blank, are wrong. Workout should start from long, 1h step.
I don’t understand why Intervals interprets these strings as workouts steps? How can I “escape” them?

Description 2
--1h as 3 x (15' @ 70-75% FTP and 50-60 rpm, 5' very easy spin)

--1h as
*5 x 1.5´ @ VO2max-effort (estimated best 5-minute power, or ~120% FTP) / 1.5' easy spin
*5' easy spin
*2 x 7' @ threshold-effort (95-100% FTP) / 3' easy spin
*5' easy spin

Here is the corrected workout:

This ride combines two important elements of "base training": high-cadence (neuromuscular) work in the first hour of the ride, low-cadence (strength endurance) work in the second hour, and in the final hour we do a bit of high-intensity maintenance while already fatigued to get a bit of an additional stimulus.

--1h @ 55-70% FTP that includes the following set:
4 x (
--10' @ self-selected cadence
--4' @ 100+ rpm (can be done sitting up)
--1' @ maximum sustainable cadence (can be done sitting up)

1h as 3 x (15' @ 70-75% FTP and 50-60 rpm, 5' very easy spin)

1h as
5 x 1.5' @ VO2max-effort (estimated best 5-minute power, or ~120% FTP) / 1.5' easy spin
5' easy spin
2 x 7' @ threshold-effort (95-100% FTP) / 3' easy spin
5' easy spin
Then easy riding in Z2 to prescribed duration. Keep the effort nice and relaxed, stay at the low end of the zone if needed.


--Session-RPE for the workout should be 6-8/10

--Be well fuelled and hydrated coming into the workout. And fuel and hydrate adequately during the workout.
-- - - -
Zwift option:

If you want to, you can do the first 2 hours of the workout as prescribed, but then jump into a Zwift race or hard drop ride instead od doing the structured intensity. Finish off with easy endurance to complete the prescribed duration.
- - - -
Imported with tp2intervals (

- - - -

-10m 55-70% (self-selected cadence)
- 4m 100rpm 55-70% (can be done sitting up)
-1m 110-150rpm 55-70%  maximum sustainable cadence (can be done sitting up)

- Steady 15m 70-75% 50-60rpm
- Easy 5m 45-60% 

- Hard 1m30s 115-125% 
- Easy 1m30s 40-55% 

- Active 5m 50-60% 

- Hard 7m 95-100% 
- Easy 3m 40-55% 

- Active 5m 50-60% 
- Active 15m 55-75%

I believe everything that starts with a dash or asterisk and is specified with a time/distance and target will be read as an interval. In your case removing the dash or asterisk solves the problem.

Alternatively you can do the same thing you did here in the forum. You put all comments into a code block which starts with three backticks (`) and ends with three backticks. Everything inside of it will be ignored and you don’t have to worry about the syntax.

This will display the workout correctly in the workout builder. However, I don’t know how the workout may be interpreted by zwift or different head units.

Nice, thanks.
Always thought workout step starts only from dash (-)

Hi, I can’t figure out how to create intervals where work and rest are tagged correctly. Right now everything shows up as work and i manually delete the rest intervals when reviewing the completed ride. I’ve experimented with the “intensity” parameter etc but am probably using it wrong- are the auto/active/interval/rest/etc intensity values defined somewhere? Thanks!

For example:



  • 20m Z1 intensity=warmup


  • 30s Z6 intensity=active

  • 15s Z1 intensity=recovery

  • 4m Z1


  • 30s Z6 intensity=active

  • 15s Z1 intensity=recovery

  • 4m Z1


  • 30s Z6 intensity=active
  • 15s Z1 intensity=recovery


  • 20m Z1 intensity=recovery

The analysis of the completed activity is done independently of any workout. What is flagged as recovery or work depends on how the intervals are detected. If you choose “laps” and “keep all laps” then all laps will be considered work intervals. If you untick “keep all laps” then laps with low average power will be considered recovery.


This is such a cool feature as I’m trying to do my own workouts for an interim season.

When creating workouts using text prompts I am not getting a Load estimation or a chart, not sure if I’m missing a field or way to input the information?

I have been trying to just input something basic like:

  • 60m Z3
  • 60m 220w

but not getting charts or load estimates for the workout.

Will appreciate any feedback you can share.

Are you using a leading dash?

Can you share a screenshot?

Thanks for looking into this.

I used the dash with no success. Then I used the “add step” function and same results:

I was able to drag the workout to my calendar and looks like the screen below: No load or graphics