Workout builder

You need an ‘m’ after the time

  • 30m 56%

It works!! Thanks! this feature is extremely useful.


Thank you for developing this tool - just getting familiar with it and really excited by what it can do!

I’d like to build workouts based on time in HR zones, and have automatically estimate the distance of that workout, so that it contributes to the weekly total. At the moment, a basic example workout could be:

Main set
- 60m z2 hr

But this shows no distance on my Activities page. Is there a setting I’m missing? The equivalent workout using ‘pace’ instead of ‘hr’ calculates a distance.

edit: this is for a ‘Run’ workout (in case that makes any difference)

To answer my own question, it looks like I needed to do:

Main set
- 60m z2 pace z2 hr

This gives me a good enough mileage estimate; and seems like Garmin prioritises the final metric (HR) for the workout step, instead of having you try to achieve both pace and HR goals.

Glad you figured it out. You can configure which has priority per sport in /settings:

Or set it for individual workouts on your calendar:

The radio buttons show up if any steps have multiple targets.

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To begin, absolutly great job with this workout builder !!

Sorry if the question is already posted,
but I’m note sure to understand the difference between Type and Intensity?
In the case of Garmin Workout

Is there a legend available for all the different ways you can build a workout? I can skim through the comments to see some of the changes implemented but it would be nice to see all the different syntax ways to create workouts in the Workout Builder in one place


The Types/Intensity thing is a Garmin notation I believe. You might need to do some Googling.

@Jonathan_Schwarz unfortunately there’s not.
If you have a question, it might be easier to help.

I played around with different workout prescriptions and figured it out - but to share so others may also learn

% of Pace is based on Threshold Pace
% of HR is based on Max Heart Rate
% of LTHR is based on Threshold Heart Rate


You can click the “Add Step” button to get a dialog to complete to generate a workout step. That has all the options.

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Is there a possibility, to upload a *.gpx file in the workout builder?

I tried to upload the file as an attachement, but it did´t work:
“Unsupported file type: application/octet-stream”

.GPX files does not contain any workout steps. Hence no

It would be pefect for Outdoor-Group-Training - so everyone knows the route we´re going to use

what device are you using?

I just want to use it for my friends. I want to plan a training including the GPX-File, so I don´t need to send it to everyone.

Still some clarification needed. What device (headunit / phone etc) are you using?

how is the workout going to be sync’ed? You want the GPX as an attachment or also to be sent to the headunit

Different Headunits. Everbody syncs manual by downloading the FIT-File.

So there is no need for a connection “GPX ↔ workout”. I just want to attache the file to the workout so everybody can download it for themselves

I will allow more attachment types tonight. I initially restricted it to “safe” types only but I think GPX is ok for that. does do virus scanning on the attachments.


Quite new to the community here but I just want to first of thank you @david for the amazing work you are doing and the agile development here is just bonkers! So great!

I have 2 questions:

  1. Is it possible to duplicate a workout? I might have a good one that I would like to reuse but eg. change from 4 blocks to 3.
  2. I found a feature in a previous workout that you can “Extract Workout” which is a great feature! Thanks! But I was doing this because I had a great historical workout I wanted to save to my workout library. I managed to extract it but then I can’t seem to figure out how to save it to my library and would need help to figure it out.


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  1. Just duplicate it and the edit the duplicate. (eg: ctrl-Drag to another day) and it creates a copy. Edit the copy and save it into the library

  2. Open the library. drag it in

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