Workout builder

Download the workout in MRC and ERG format and compare the numbers. One is in percentage of ftp. The other is raw watts. I forget which is which.

I did that as well with the same result.

To clarify, the content of the MRC and the ERG file itself has the %FTP-1? Is that what you’re confirming?

Look in the files with a text editor. In the mrc file there must be „85.0“ for a 85% interval. In the erg file there is the power e.g. „310“ for that interval. What is in the file(s)?


Just keep in mind that Intervals uses ‘Round Down’ iso normal rounding in several situations to avoid conflicts with zones.

The MRC file has % of FTP values in it so there shouldn’t be any rounding or transfer issues with that.

- 60m 80%


FILE NAME = Test.mrc
0.00	80.0
60.00	80.0

Hi, maybe it has been already mentioned here but I have not found it.
My friend has shared workouts with me. When I download the workouts as .mrc files, the percentages of intervals are incorrect. In this specific case I found myself on my trainer doing 40/20 intervals way too hard. First I thought that this was a Wahoo issue as I use Bolt for indoor workouts. But when I opened the .mrc file, I noticed that the percentages were incorrect. So instead of 125% of FTP for 40s interval it was 134.8%.
Any idea where is this coming from?


And is the header still MINUTES PERCENT or did it somewhere in the process change to MINUTES WATTS?
You have to be cautious with erg and mrc files to make sure that they are correctly interpreted.
Some info on the formats can be found here:

and here:

Any step in the xfer process can mis-interpret and cause unexpected outcome.

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I was wrong about MRC being fine because it uses % of FTP. converts the workout steps into watts and then back to % of FTP to generate the MRC file so there can be rounding issues.

You need to download the workouts from your own calendar to be sure to get the right values. I downloaded your 40/20 workout from Thursday from your calendar in MRC format and it is good. There are some minor rounding issues (124.9% instead of 125%).

If you download a workout from your library while looking at your friend’s calendar, his/her FTP will be used.

FILE NAME = _Indoor_40_20.mrc
0.00	54.9
10.00	54.9
10.00	124.9
10.67	124.9

Hi, I’m new and trying out Intevals to replace Today’s Plan. One of the great features in Today’s Plan is (was?) the ability to indent intervals. For example if you wanted to do 5 sets of 20/10’s with 4 mins on and then 4 min rest you could set 8x(20s zone 5.2 (only set in zones on TP), 10s rest at z2.0) followed by 4m z2.5 or similar and then have all of this indented under 5x so that the whole 8 minutes was repeated 5 times. The only way I can work out how to do similar in Intervals is to paste all of (8x, -20s 105%, -10s 45%, then -4m 50%) down the page 5 times. Is there another way to achieve this? Thanks.

Unfortunately not. Nested intervals are not supported (yet … that is on the todo list).


Awesome! Would be great for overunders too

If the set is longer than the number of intervals, eg. 10 repeats, then I’ll write the workout as follows:

If the workout has more sets than repeats, then I’ll group it like as follows:


Thanks for you quick response David.

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Hi All, 1st-time user here. Learned a lot and loving it so far. I am trying to build a running workout with repeats included, as an example for Hill repeats. I want to do 10min warmup, 10x2min hill repeats, 10min cooldown. I read that the syntax is important if you want to create a nice graph showing the intervals, but can’t seem to get it right.
Anyone able to assist me with the correct syntax? Thanks

I don’t use the run feature so may be off the mark.
Note: my threshold pace is marked as 5:00 in /SETTINGS


Thank you very, very much. I really appreciate your help. This was exactly what I was looking for and I was able to create a workout with the graph, etc. I will now be trying more with other types of intervals.

In the workout builder, there is an Add Step button. This gives you more options to choose from, but you can mix units of measure, eg. hR and Pace; you must stick to one unit for all intervals/steps.


Thank you very much, learning all the way.

Decided to take the plunge and try replicating a couple of Garmin workouts as a test.
Have managed to get a few across to my Edge 830 but had a few snags along the way.

  • is there a definitive workout guide, or does one need to skim through this whole topic? ie has the guide at the top been updated from all the content here? I got the impression a lot of detail was throughout the topic…

  • Is there any definitive guide for Garmin including display tips etc?

-Is there any way to export Garmin workouts from connect and get them converted to intervals?
