Workout builder

Give the step a wide range of pace. needs some pace indication to plot the chart, estimate load (uses the average) and so on.

- 20m Z1-Z3 Pace
- 20m 30-90% Pace
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David, please check the first message of this thread. It indicates that heart rate should be used as (for example) “- 60m HR z2”; however, it seems to me that what actually works is “- 60m z2 HR” (with “HR” after zones). Nevertheless, the HR-based blocks do not appear in a workout that mixes HR and power, even if the view is set to “auto,” as shown in the image below. Is this normal?

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I’m not sure if you have any time or inclination to look at this or not Ben, but there is a site with MyWhoosh structured workouts on it, and it would be great to be able to easily convert the workout detail to Intervals workout creator parser. Then they could then be used for planning and compliance in the Intervals calendar like you intended for WhatsonZwift workouts.

Below is the website if you want to have a look at adding it to your site

Tx for the report. I have made the edits to the 1st post.
For a HR Interval, it should be

  • 60m Z2 HR (this will show a range target - with 2 tone color scheme)
  • 60m 80-90% HR (this will show a range target - with 2 tone color scheme)
  • 60m Z1-Z2 HR (this will show a range target - with 2 tone color scheme)
  • 60m 80% HR (This will show single color target at 80% HR)

A workout can be

  1. Fully Power Based
  2. Fully HR Based
  3. Fully Power + Some intervals Power + HR Based

A workout Cannot be (this is the reason you don’t see the workout graphic)

  1. Fully HR + Some Intervals Power Based

So for your workout, (I think) you can do something like
-30m Z1-Z5 Z2-Z3 HR

where you have a VERY large Power Range (so the head unit doesn’t scream at you) [ Alternatively, if you use my app, BreakAway: Indoor Training - the app will automatically change the Trainer Power to keep you between Z2-Z2 HR automatically)

Hope that helps…


This is normal.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Planned workouts with wahoo - Now Supported

I’m trying to import some workouts into Hammerhead that have both power and HR targets. The Karoo does not recognize the HR as a secondary target with the ZWO import and the Hammerhead dashboard cant import the FIT version. I get the error message: “Failed to parse field: {field}={value}”

Here’s an example of a workout that is not working:

6 x 5 

- 10m ramp 100W-160W Z2 HR
- 1m 100W Z2 HR

- 5m 250W Range Z4-Z5 HR
- 2m30s 100W Z2 HR

- 7m ramp 51-34% Z2 HR does not support HR as a secondary target (yet). Only cadence is supported as a secondary target.

OK. Thanks. I saw it visualized when mousing over the graph and made an assumption.

Hello, is there any API or something that we can use to create workouts from a external program directly in

Our idea is to use this API to create the workouts with the different blocks by power/heart rate automatically from our trainer.
Thanks in advance.

Please go search the forum for api.
There’s a thread talking about specifically this.

That should help you.

check this thread.

Willing to have a internal PNG convertor from these workout files

I am wondering the same but could not get it to work in any way :thinking:

How do I make this kind of workout:

  • 20min warm up
  • 10min at 105-115% of FTP
  • 10min easy pedalling
    followed by:
  • 2 x 10min intervals broken into
    (5min 95-105 of FTP
    5 x 40s Z6, 20s recovery)
  • 20min cooldown

The problem is the 5x repeat inside of 2x repeat


Or like this:

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I’ve been loving and have fully moved over from TP. However, there’s one feature I miss—support for HR as a secondary target. Without this, I’m unable to upload HR-based workouts to my Hammerhead Karoo 2, which means I still need to keep my TP subscription.

I was wondering if there are any updates or plans to support this feature in the future? It would be a great addition and would help me transition completely to

Thanks so much for all the work you do!

To overcome this lack, I created (both in libary and as a workout to upload to my wahoo) 2 identical files, one based on power and one on HR

You only need TP to sync the daily workout. That would be adequate.