Planned workouts with wahoo - Now Supported

Another big thanks along with the many others from me for making this work @David I have just written a plan and it uploaded to my wahoo roam v1 just need to try it out on the road now. many thanks

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Same for me. Adding a workout for a future day works, but for today won’t sync.

The Wahoo API requires that planned workouts are uploaded with UTC time which opens the door for lots of timezone issues. Make sure your timezone on matches the timezone on your phone and in the Wahoo app (not sure how to do the last part, maybe it uses the phone timezone?).

Hi there, this is my first post here — i finally synced workout plans from → to my Wahoo Elemnt Bolt v2.

  • I’ve connected to my wahoo fitness account (Wahoo Fitness | Log In)
  • Data accessed includes offline_data, plans_read, plans_write, user_read, user_write, workouts_read, workouts_write
  • Wahoo Companion App as well as the Wahoo firmware are both up to date
  • I’ve checked the settings page and can confirm that checkbox “Upload planned workouts” is checked

This fixed it for me!

  • Make sure to select a Filter below “Upload planned workouts” e.g. Ride — while debugging sync issues, I must have removed any given values. In case you see None here, select the workouts types you want to sync!
  • A Wahoo SYSTM Membership is NOT required

Quick question: is it expected that ramp steps aren’t uploaded as ramps but as watt-range between lower/upper?

Now that planned workouts can be sent to Wahoo devices, I am learning how to properly use the Workout builder. I have read a large part of that thread and I can see it is designed to be compatible with several devices and platforms and that not all options may be compatible with different devices.
I normally use Garmin for my training but I have a Bolt 2 in which I have never used the planned workouts option before, so I am getting familiar with it.
I have created and uploaded a couple of very simple test workouts with no issues at all.

There are some entries in the workout builder that I have not figured out what they are for and whether they are compatible with Wahoo:

In the Add Calendar Entry window:

  • What is the “Show on fitness line” check box for?

  • What is the effect of checking the “Indoor” box? In the case of cycling is it targetted for smart trainers? or is it just to identify is as an indoor specific workout?

  • What is the purpose/use of the label field?

In the Add Step window:

  • What is the use of the “Intensity” drop down options? Is it a Wahoo compatible feature?

  • What is the relationship among “Type” and “Intensity”?

  • Is MMP compatible with Wahoo? it seems to be specific for a training platform.

I created a test power based workout with a rampup warmup and cooldown and it seems they are not compatible with Wahoo as both in the Elemnt and the Bolt2 they show as a fixed power value. It is scheduled for tomorrow so I will see how it actually performs while execuiting it.

Finally, I found that it is very important to enter a workout time in the Add Calendar entry window different to the default 00:00 to make sure it shows properly in your calendar both in the Elemnt App and the device.

Thanks in advance for your comments to this long post.
Have a great day

Sorry to spam, I think it’s better to write here.
I love the feature to import planned workout o my Elemnt.
But is there a way to show target HR interval when loading a workout?
I tried but I can see only target power and Target rpm.
Is it an issue on Wahoo or am I doing it wrong?
For example this doesn’t work:

-1m 50% Z2 HR 80rpm

Shows correct pwr target and rpm target but not the HR ones…


Hello, is there a way to show target HR interval when loading a workout on Wahoo?
I tried but I can see only target power and Target rpm.
Is it an issue on Wahoo or am I doing it wrong?
For example this doesn’t work.

  • 1m 50% Z2 HR 80rpm

Shows correct pwr target and rpm target but not HR…


I’m really interesting too to find a solution for that…
Did you find one ?
Thanks !

No I didn’t. I can choose only between full power target or BPM target… I would love to have both… :slight_smile:

That put a dot on the CTL line on the /fitness page. It’s more for things like sick, holidays, travel etc. than workouts.

That will use your indoor FTP when executing workouts with power instead of your default FTP.

Where did you see that?

Add step dialog questions:

Yes that will work with Wahoo (and Garmin). I don’t know what Wahoo does with it.

Some “types” (e.g. warmup/cooldown) might automatically set intensity. The intensity drop down lets you do this yourself.

Yes it is. computes the actual watts using the athlete’s power curve and sends that to the platform.

As far as I know the Wahoo API doesn’t support ramps.

Currently only supports cadence as a secondary target.

Cadence and power together are perfect.
It would be nice to have also heartbeat interval shown, so I can understand better how is it going!

@david Sorry, I meant the Tags tab

that’s a feature I was looking for a long time - push selfmade trainings to my wahoo. Great to have it in :slight_smile:

does anyone know why TSS and intensity is calculated different in the elemnt App, although FTP is set to the same value (intervals+Elemnt App).

e.g.: i created in a 4h Ride with 200W (FTP 280) = 204 TSS, after pushing it to Wahoo and syncing with the cloud, the app shows 404 TSS with 0,82 intensity.

i do not found a solution or explanation for that issues. Beeing pretty sure that mistake is somewhere in the wahoo eco system, I already tried to find something on the profile or in the app, but nothing seems to be there to influence the calculation.

Any hints?

Recently found this out…

If you press the power button twice, i.e. once to go in and once to come out, it seems to allow you to switch pages again, even when the workout is paused.

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This is amazing. Thanks so much for adding this feature! At this point I have no more need for TrainingPeaks.

Hi @david any more thoughts of about this? For me this would be beneficial. I use Join cycling as a training plan. Workouts from there are pushed to my wahoo. I always need to download the fit file and import it to intervalls to have my planned workouts in intervals. If the plan is updated I need to download the new workouts and replace older ones. Would be great if intervals automatically would synch workouts(training) from wahoo to intervals.

Unfortunately as far as I can tell that is not allowed by the Wahoo API. When lists planned workouts it only sees ones created by

Too bad - but thank you :slight_smile:
So a better solution would be for JOIN to support sync :smiley: