Workout builder

OK. Thanks. I saw it visualized when mousing over the graph and made an assumption.

Hello, is there any API or something that we can use to create workouts from a external program directly in

Our idea is to use this API to create the workouts with the different blocks by power/heart rate automatically from our trainer.
Thanks in advance.

Please go search the forum for api.
There’s a thread talking about specifically this.

That should help you.

check this thread.

Willing to have a internal PNG convertor from these workout files

I am wondering the same but could not get it to work in any way :thinking:

How do I make this kind of workout:

  • 20min warm up
  • 10min at 105-115% of FTP
  • 10min easy pedalling
    followed by:
  • 2 x 10min intervals broken into
    (5min 95-105 of FTP
    5 x 40s Z6, 20s recovery)
  • 20min cooldown

The problem is the 5x repeat inside of 2x repeat


Or like this:

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I’ve been loving and have fully moved over from TP. However, there’s one feature I miss—support for HR as a secondary target. Without this, I’m unable to upload HR-based workouts to my Hammerhead Karoo 2, which means I still need to keep my TP subscription.

I was wondering if there are any updates or plans to support this feature in the future? It would be a great addition and would help me transition completely to

Thanks so much for all the work you do!

To overcome this lack, I created (both in libary and as a workout to upload to my wahoo) 2 identical files, one based on power and one on HR

You only need TP to sync the daily workout. That would be adequate.