Season Plan (anual training plan)

Hello, there is any season planing?
It would be amazing if there was something like anual training plan (ATP)


I do my (ATP) planning in Excel and then translate the information into the Plan (Library). As things change during each mesocycle, I make those changes in the ACTIVITIES page. The API allows me to bring all the weekly information into the Excel file.


You can capture weekly targets for sports:

And then plan workouts to meet the targets or just ride to the targets.

By this coming weekend, I’ll have added deeper description into the detail on the ACTIVITIES page help section, to show how the weekly planning ties into the FITNESS page graphics (Target Load vs Actual Load).


Hi Geraldo, I’d like to use the same method as you. Could you, if you like, share how you do it? even in private if you don’t want to write everything here. Thank you

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The Excel file is currently provided to athletes I coach; they pay for the coaching advice and get a PDF version as part of that service. It’s IP that I need to protect.

I don’t mind sharing how the data in is pulled into Excel using the API, and also how to use Excel formulae to consolidate that information, it I will only share the PDF version with paid-up athletes.

Hope you understand.


If you want to import your workout history into Excel, you need to do the following:

  1. Go to Settings ( and generate an API key.
  2. In Excel, on the Data tab, setup a connection to the’s Activity and Wellness APIs.
    • Get Data (from Web)
      *For Wellness data: type https://
      * replace “xxxxxxxx” with your athlete ID, found in settings next to where you generated the API key.
    • For Activities data: type https://
      * replace “xxxxxxxx” with your athlete ID, found in settings next to where you generated the API key.
    • It should connect, then show a table with data.
    • Click on the Load dropdown arrow, then “Load to”
    • Select the Existing Worksheet, an use cell E1 (Activities tab) and H1 (Wellness tab).

The data refreshes each time the file opens, otherwise F9, or Data, Refresh All will do the same thing.
There are two tabs, one for Wellness Data, and one for Activities.

The data from the API will update to cells H1, to the right and down.

Once this is done, then you have the data in your spreadsheet.
The Annual Training Plan is a summary of the planned vs actual TSS and Hours.

If you have any problems setting up the API link in Excel, let me know. It took me a few tries to get it right.

The basic Excel file can be downloaded here.


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Thx for sharing this!

I feel like an idiot but where do I enter the API key to get access?

You don’t need to add the key, it just needs to be activated.

In Excel, you need to paste the link in this field; just change the [type your ID here] to the number in the Settings page. Go to Data > From Web

It should take you to this view, to then select Load (dropdown menu, then Load To):

Then select the first open column (I for Wellness and F for Activities):
If you have the file I shared open, be sure to use Existing Sheet and not New worksheet

I always get “Failed to connect - Access to the resource is not authorized”
Is API access open for everyone or only for supporters? I just noticed that the forum still has my supporter status but intervals itself no longer has it. Maybe that’s the problem.

I tried as well and this is what I get from Excel:


Thanks for support

I can’t access the API for my athletes, only myself.

Please share a screenshot of the link you are using; you can block out your user number.
I download their data from the Wellness and Activities link in the Activities page.

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Thank you for your reply and support.

I’m trying to access my own data (I’m not a coach, I’ve no athletes).
I tried to follow your instructions:

  1. Went to Settings ( and generated an API key.
  2. In Excel, Get Data (from Web)
    3 Insert in the basic URL field
  3. Pressed enter and got the error that I showed in my previous msg

I must miss something!

It’s in Dutch but I get the same error. For wellness and activities csv.


I struggled for a while, so I’m sure there’s something basic that is missing. I’ll go through the API thread for my posts to see what could be missing.

The links you’ve posted are correct.

I’ll try on another computer as it is already working on mine. It might need login details as a once off.

Afrikaans and Dutch are very close, so I understand the message. :blush:

Found it!
In the Get Data menu, there is an option to enter settings for the data sources. That’s where the User API_KEY and your personal API key must be entered. I can only make a screenshot from a dutch Excell version for now, but it’s probably enough for most people.


Thanks, I’ll delete the links on my side and screenshot every step so that it’s clear for everyone.