Import HRV4training data from Dropbox

The intervals API? Can it do that?

If you’re talking about reading/writing wellness fields (doesn’t matter if standard or custom) then yes the API can do that and a few of my scripts do exactly that

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I know the API can do it, but I can’t :blush:


Here’s how I do it:
In Excell, I create a cell in JSON format that is composed of all the data I want to upload. Then the Excell runs an external batch file by means of a macro. The macro is a curl command and takes the above JSON string as an argument.
I is quite a bit of work (at least, it was for me and my limited knowledge) to get all the syntax fault-free, but once it works, it’s a breeze.
In the morning I’m taking a HRV measurement with Kubios and I OCR the phone screen. All text is copied to the Wellness Comment field. I do the same for my wellness data from my Coros watch. When I start-up my laptop after breakfast, it automatically starts an Excell file that is importing the data from Intervals wellness dialog, format’s the comment field and sends the extracted metrics back to Intervals in the correct fields.
The OCR solution is the best I could find. It’s not user friendly and it can behave strange if you made a user-error in copying the text from the app to the Intervals comment field. But I got used to it and rarely have errors now.
I have asked Kubios a couple of times to provide some sort of data export in the free app in csv or text or whatever format, but they always respond with the same answer. ‘We will provide it some day’ and that’s where it ends.
If you could see your own data on a webpage, that would also be good because then you can scrape the web page daily.


Gosh! That’s sounds complicated.
The data I want to capture is exported by the app but in Excel format. I can send it to a file in google drive.
Then I need a script that runs automatically and downloads the file, converts to csv, converts to intervals column format and sends it to intervals.
And something to run the script automatically but I take my peak flow usually after opening my laptop for the day, like today. I’m wiriting this, doing my morning chicory and then I’ll spin some yarn for a bit and then take my peak flow, so it might need to run a few times a day.

I need to find a general solution to this. Likely custom wellness fields mapped to the various objects received from Garmin et al.

Any news on this? I added custom field “morning HRV” and have to manually paste rMSSD from HRV4Training.

I should probably just add a built in HRV field “HRV snapshot” and map snapshots to that.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Hrv4training results off by one day