Workout builder

Just click on the exercise, press ALT and move it to another day

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Thanks for your replies! No 1 is understood and thanks for sharing.

No 2 is a little bit trickier. As the workout from the activities view, the only one I am able to access the workout library from is not the “right” workout I want to save. This one is the one I have performed and has varied values in each interval. As I did get this workout from my coach in TrainingPeaks I only had it as a performed workout in Intervals but then I found the function of “Extract Workout”. Not sure if you are familiar with it but it basically extracts the interval structure it estimates it to have been performed from so then it becomes the correct values and watt ranges. But it is only visible in the bottom of the workout and I am not able to drag in into the library. I will attach pictures so you can see them.
1st picture is how the workout looks in the activity view which is the performed one with varying values and not the correct workout I want to save.
In picture 2 you see the extracted workout which is the one I would like to save to my library but I do not understand how.

Thanks in advance.

i don’t have a extract workout file. So this is a long shot.
Try Dragging the “paired workout” (the line that says 1h44m Load 115) onto the LIbrary instead of dragging the workout Graphic

You should be able to just drag that workout onto a folder in your library. I just did that:

I dragged the “1h44m load 115” bar onto the “Hail Mary Plan” folder.

Hi @david, Coros has an “open” function for it’s open-ended (lap press) intervals. Does the Coros API allow you to push that information from to Coros traininghub as it does for Garmin and Suunto? Thanks.

I found the latest API docs and it seems there is some support for this. Unfortunately they don’t provide any examples:

Rest/Unit: reset settings (Value assignment is not a must. When it is absent, it means that there is no rest)
EndManually: manually end the rest. WorkoutType in [“swim”, “bike”, “run”, “strength”, “trailRun”]. When the rest type is “End Manually”, it is alright that the value is not assigned.

I don’t have a Coros watch so I can’t easily test this.

Thanks. Is there anything I can try to help you out? You probably don’t need a Coros watch to test. You should be able to make a TrainingHub account and then check your workout in the calendar to see if the “Open” or otherwise values have pushed through.

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I could implement support and enable it just for you and myself?

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Sure. However, I’m more interested in using it with runners I coach because it makes it tricky to give them warm-ups before intervals without knowing how long they need. I know I can set the default time when lap press is implemented, but that’s tricky when I have open-ended hills reps (everyone has different length hills they use). A default of 20 minutes can make a 60min session look like 3 hours.

I’m planning my workouts based on 8020 Marathon training plan which to a large extent is based on Duration instead of distance.

How do i get the workout plan to show in the chart at the bottom?

You´re missing the ´m´ for minutes on your time description.


Trying to build a running workout. Need some guidance. (forum doesn’t seems to have a lot of run type workout examples)

how do I create a 2km warmup that can be ANY pace and still have it show up in the graphic?

Give the step a wide range of pace. needs some pace indication to plot the chart, estimate load (uses the average) and so on.

- 20m Z1-Z3 Pace
- 20m 30-90% Pace
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David, please check the first message of this thread. It indicates that heart rate should be used as (for example) “- 60m HR z2”; however, it seems to me that what actually works is “- 60m z2 HR” (with “HR” after zones). Nevertheless, the HR-based blocks do not appear in a workout that mixes HR and power, even if the view is set to “auto,” as shown in the image below. Is this normal?

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I’m not sure if you have any time or inclination to look at this or not Ben, but there is a site with MyWhoosh structured workouts on it, and it would be great to be able to easily convert the workout detail to Intervals workout creator parser. Then they could then be used for planning and compliance in the Intervals calendar like you intended for WhatsonZwift workouts.

Below is the website if you want to have a look at adding it to your site

Tx for the report. I have made the edits to the 1st post.
For a HR Interval, it should be

  • 60m Z2 HR (this will show a range target - with 2 tone color scheme)
  • 60m 80-90% HR (this will show a range target - with 2 tone color scheme)
  • 60m Z1-Z2 HR (this will show a range target - with 2 tone color scheme)
  • 60m 80% HR (This will show single color target at 80% HR)

A workout can be

  1. Fully Power Based
  2. Fully HR Based
  3. Fully Power + Some intervals Power + HR Based

A workout Cannot be (this is the reason you don’t see the workout graphic)

  1. Fully HR + Some Intervals Power Based

So for your workout, (I think) you can do something like
-30m Z1-Z5 Z2-Z3 HR

where you have a VERY large Power Range (so the head unit doesn’t scream at you) [ Alternatively, if you use my app, BreakAway: Indoor Training - the app will automatically change the Trainer Power to keep you between Z2-Z2 HR automatically)

Hope that helps…


This is normal.

3 posts were merged into an existing topic: Planned workouts with wahoo - Now Supported

I’m trying to import some workouts into Hammerhead that have both power and HR targets. The Karoo does not recognize the HR as a secondary target with the ZWO import and the Hammerhead dashboard cant import the FIT version. I get the error message: “Failed to parse field: {field}={value}”

Here’s an example of a workout that is not working:

6 x 5 

- 10m ramp 100W-160W Z2 HR
- 1m 100W Z2 HR

- 5m 250W Range Z4-Z5 HR
- 2m30s 100W Z2 HR

- 7m ramp 51-34% Z2 HR does not support HR as a secondary target (yet). Only cadence is supported as a secondary target.