Workout Builder for swim/run distance based

Hi David!

I really like the workout builder function, but I am missing the ability to plan for distance and/with pace (Garmin workout planner can do this)

(this is just an example)

I am really hoping you would implement this. I have only started using a few days ago, but I am loving it!


I second that! This is one of the main things why I can’t recommend Intervals to my fellow triathletes. One has to know the paces and compute each interval’s duration


Tx. Target by pace is on the todo list. There are a lot of running related things missing from I have a dodgy knee and can’t run at all which is the root cause of this issue.


Thank you. If you need help regarding the “technical details of running” I am happy to help!

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is there a github repo? I’d take a stab at it, i’ve also been looking for pace targets in the workout builder.

Not yet. The code would require quite a bit of cleanup first :slight_smile: is also somewhat complicated to run. You need Postgresql, Apache Cassandra, Google cloud storage a/c, Backblaze storage a/c. This bit of work requires client side and server side changes.

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Yes please! Is there a workaround to this, in the meantime? I’m trying to find how to build workouts using the “end when lap button pressed” feature.

This may require a new post, but would also be nice to build workouts by zones.

There isn’t a workaround yet, but “end when lap button pressed” is supported:


I think I’ve got the ‘lap button’ workaround figured out. I just made lap times a little long, and will press the lap button when I finish each mile (roughly 1 mile loops in this example, that I run in about 10-11 minutes so I programmed 12 minutes), and drink/recovery (typically 10-15 seconds so I programmed 20 seconds). Will test it later today! Otherwise, will appreciate any suggestions until then.


Distance based workouts are now supported: Distanced based workouts supported


U R the GOAT… i think intervals is the absolute perfect platform for training. thx for your everytime fast support

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