Vo2max estimation

Is it possible to provide a vo2max estimate, apart from the garmin one, using this formula from the paper?


This would be great,. The estimation could sit on the ‘best efforts’ table on the /Power page and combined with the ability to plot this over time on the /Fitness page would be useful.

I appreciate it would only be an estimate but its a data point I am interested in having in the platform.

For anyone else who wonders how this calculation works:
By 5-min relative power output, they mean your 5-min max power divided by your weight, thus in W/kg
It might seem obvious for others, but I just spent 20 min figuring this out :exploding_head:


There was a video posted that explains the protocol and calculation method.
I’ll try find it and add the link, unless someone beats me to it.

Found it.



What a pit that apparently I’m out of the catch because I’ve never had an average bigger than 8h/week and this is for 12h/w up…

Thanks to @david I could easily get this info from Intervals.

My biggest has been this last season with avg of 7.5h/w but if I roll back 3 years it goes down to 5.3h/w…

Hey @david, would be nice if Interval showed the week avg direct on Totals :slight_smile:

You guys can find this to be very helpful MAP and FTP Calculator from ZwiftHacks.com


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This does look interesting. I will try get it done!


I have implemented this on the /power page as @Olly_Thomas suggested. You can’t plot it over time yet. I need to do some more work for that.


Nice! Thank you.

Hopefully the plotting over time funcationality to can include plotting TTE also when ready :wink:

Thanks @david

the measurement is expressed as mL/Kg/minute

Fixed, tx.

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TTE es justamente donde decae la curva de potencia

Sorry, had to translate to English so hope this is correct

TTE is exactly where the power curve drops off

If it is, yes I know that.

I would like the TTE metric over time to be included as a data field to be able to plot on the /Fitness page so I can combine it with eFTP, eFTP w/kg, FTP, w/kg, VO2 estimate, W’bal etc to see progression and some analysis against training plan…

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This is really great, thanks David!

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Hi, really great work, Thanks! :smile:
While for biking this seems spot on for me, for running (since the “power meter”/ run pod is not well calibrated) it’s a little bit off.
Can you add a scaling factor (or offset :thinking: ) for the running calculation/ running power, to get a better estimate there ?

I am not sure that this will be applicable at all for running power. If someone could find something similar for running I can use that?

Not applicable at running power

I have hidden it for non-Ride sports to avoid any confusion.

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2 questions from myself:

  1. Can it be sown on Intervals.icu page, such as the eFTP?
  2. Can the calculation be derived for all MAP efforts (e.g. 3m effort, 7min effort, 4m30s effort, etc.) for those who have a top MAP not based on a CP5?

Thank you!

The method in the paper only works with 5m PPO so not other durations. I could possibly put something on the /athlete’s page using last month or 42 days of power data. But that would depend on having done a max 5m effort in that time window.


This paper: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/319947872_Cycling_Power_Outputs_Predict_Functional_Threshold_Power_And_Maximum_Oxygen_Uptake

Estimates VO2Max based on age and FTP. Formula is:
VO2max (ml. kg -1. min -1 ) = age (y) × -0.313 + FTP (W. kg-1 ) × 11.733 + 27.056

So you could calculate it for everyone you know age, weight and eFTP for.

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