Tp2intervals - Copy TrainingPeaks and TrainerRoad workouts\plans to Intervals

If you have github account, you can download dev build for arm64

Do you use the app as standalone software (dmg\exe\AppImage) or in docker?


Thank you! I’ll donate today or tomorrow.

Sorry for the basic Docker question, just starting using it.

Replaced :latest with :dev and that downloaded 0.10.0. Then I tried --platform arm64 and that didn’t work (put a space after so you can read the urls):

breeze:~ WindWarrior$ docker run --rm --platform arm64 --name tp2intervals -p 8080:8080 /freekode/tp2intervals/tp2intervals:dev
Unable to find image ‘ /freekode/tp2intervals/tp2intervals:dev’ locally
dev: Pulling from freekode/tp2intervals/tp2intervals
Digest: sha256:3d1313160e6ea1bfa7d476b752fe6cfe9e2276bee341cff7cadcfbc93a0cf4c9
Status: Image is up to date for /freekode/tp2intervals/tp2intervals:dev
docker: Error response from daemon: No such image: /freekode/tp2intervals/tp2intervals:dev.
See ‘docker run --help’.

Expected behavior as the arm64 is not on And only on github? I do have a github account.

I made arm64 build currently only for mac stanalone app (dmg). Docker doesn’t have multiarch image yet.

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Amazing thank you!

It’s possible to grab attachment from TrainingPeaks, unfortunately for now there is no API for attachments in Intervals. As soon it will be added I will implement this feature.

@Someone_Else thanks. Copied over current base calendar (December to March) as both a plan and workout library. Sent you a donation, thanks again!

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Thanks, glad to help :slight_smile:

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Probably did not do something right. Downloaded, it installed in the application folder. When I launched it, it said that the file was corrupt and wanted me to delete it. I will look to see what I did wrong tomorrow.

I will check it out

I currently use the exe.

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You can download updated build here

For error: "tp2intervals" is damaged and can’t be opened. It’s probably the app was quarantined.
Run command in terminal
xattr -d /Applications/
and then open app again

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Would you mind explaining how to schedule the sync on windows using task scheduler?

Yeah, I’m going to write a manual, but before that I need to rewrite it to window shell from bash.

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@Someone_Else Appreciate your work. Other than a struggle to find the TP cookie, it worked flawlessly. Appreciate the time. I will make a contribution.

Thanks, I’m happy to help :slight_smile:


Coffee bought, thanks. Looking forward to the syncing script.

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I’m not yet sure how this feature should looks like, I decided to go in different direction than scripts.
Here you can download dev build with WIP scheduled jobs.

On ui you will have Schedule button, it will save current request. Then every 20 minutes job will try to execute saved requests. It will sync workouts for today’s date.
All requests saved in memory, as soon you close the app and open it again you need to schedule your requests again.
Let me know how it works for you.


Thanks, unfortunately I’m not sure how to download the dev build.

From what you have written, it will keep syncing today’s workout. That’s not exactly what I’m after.

What I currently do, after any changes to my TrainerRoad calendar (which is a few times per week) is:

  1. Open tp2intervals
  2. Select TrainerRoad to
  3. Change the date range to the next 3 months
  4. Skip already synced workouts
  5. Press confirm

What I would like is to be able to set this up so that when I login to windows, it runs through these steps, and then runs every 30 mins, so that always has the latest planning from TrainerRoad.

Thanks for the info. I will think what I can do with it.