I’m curious, what did Strava say when/if you ask for a rate limit adjustment? They direct you to email them when demand gets high enough. I’m guessing they have a ceiling on how high they can actually go.
I thought this was dead. At least it was dead in ~2020.
Yeah so the pain here would be syncing TrainerRoad/Zwift/Xert and so on, without Strava.
They just ignore you…
I’ve not seen anyone gotten any rate limit increases
You’re lucky that Strava backtracked on this a while back. (They stopped it abruptly and the internet blew up… then they rolled it back)
Tx. When this problem first came up a year or so ago I got rid of polling for free users and only used web hooks and only for users who have been seen in the last 28 days.This helped a lot but it still takes 2 API calls per activity. Now only paying users get polling when they visit the site (to catch missed webhooks) and free users can manually use the “Download old data” button to do the same.
They just started ignoring the emails. The first 2 bumps they checked that Intervals.icu was following the brand guidelines etc., had a look at the user count and that was that. They even put Intervals.icu on their apps page.
There is an existing feature request on the TR side. Not promising from what Ivy said a ways back.
Ah, wait so free users can keep syncing with Strava!? I totally misread your opening post then: “Future new users and current free users will be able download from Strava for a few weeks after which time a subscription will be required.”
reads very different than: “and free users can manually use the “Download old data” button to do the same.” which seems to imply it will stay, but just becomes manual.
If I’m reading it wrong, you can assume others are too (since I got here because other people linked it while saying you can’t sync with strava anymore unless you go intervals premium). You might want to consider changing your Opening post .
Sorry. Thats how it was a year ago. Unfortunately now I have to make it a premium feature. I have already done what I can to reduce Strava API calls.
Does this have an effect on Strava run GAP model? Will it still work for free users?
I dont know why it took so long time, but…
From this day I am a Intervals.icu paying supporter!
Keep up the awesome work you are doing!!
Love Intervals.icu!
I use Strava only for activity names so I can easily switch Strava off. As I understand correctly switching off Strava will help in overall api calls? Is downlading an activity name a call? (sorry I dont know how it works, jsut want to help : )
Yes to Both Question.
I use the extremely popular cycling and biking app, WorkOutdoors, for Apple Watch/Apple Watch Ultra. Every workout for me is on that app, which then syncs its data to Strava. If Workoutdoors was synced with intervals.icu, I would gladly switch off Strava syncing. Ian from Workoutdoors app is extremely helpful to users (he quickly answered emails for my two questions); he would likely be open to syncing with Intervals.icu. Here is his app website with contact information.
Thank you.
No that will still work. That was derived from a Strava Engineering blog post describing their model. No Strava code or API calls involved.
Strava has become more a social media than an athlete platform. Dozens of photos, videos, people collecting Groups as postal cards (even those places they never been at).
So, isn’t it the starting point to drop Strava and take their place?
The only thing I like there is segments classification, and that demands some ‘cleaning’ time to time due to cars and motorcycles used by the Average John that does not run or cycle and don’t give a ***** to the sports game it has become.
The segments ranking is the only feature holding me there. Data? I pick here. Training? Here.
So, keeping Garmin, Suunto, Polar and others partners and releasing an iOS/Android app you could sky rocket if want to.
Only a dream?
Strava is the one place that just about every device maker integrates with. So it has a lot of value there.
I know.
If they did, others can do!
Strava is the only cross platform today. Intervals can do it!
And don’t become Intervalsgram, as we have Instrava nowadays!
I’ve kicked Strava to the kerb. I don’t have any social media accounts after doing that.
If I knew of a way to import my libraries of workouts from Training Peaks I’d kick that to the kerb as well.