Specific Pace for Running Plan & Percentage Pace

Is there any chance to set specific pace, such as 4min/k instead of using a percentage of threshold pace or zone when setting running plan:

I’m trying to make some plans about running. I use 5k race pace as a reference of my training pace, since I refer to training methods of Renato Canova. However, Intervals only offers Lactate Threshold (LT) Pace to be a reference. These two are different, such as LT Pace is usually 91-92% of 5k race pace. So it’s a little bit hard for me to convert to percentage to set the right pace.

Different from cycling, there’s no such widely used metric, like FTP, in running. Usually, we use several best race paces to set training paces, which is similar to Power-Duration Curve.

Thus I wonder if there’s any chance to let us set the specific pace when writing training plan, such as:

  • 6m 4:00
  • 2m 6:00
    means a 6min section with 4min per k, continued by 2min section with 6min per k.

Besides, it seems a little bit different for the way to calculate the percentage-based pace. Usually, 90% of 5min/k means 10% slower than that pace, so it should be 5min/k x (1 + (1 - 90%)) = 5min/k x 1.1 = 5.5min/k = 5m30s/k


I want this for my rowing training, for example, my 2k best is 1:50/500, and my coach tends to give me a class schedule of
Warm up
-10m 2k pace +22s

-1km 2k pace +10s
-5m 2k pace +30s

cool down
-10m 2k pace +22s

This has been requested before with no response. Hopefully it is on @david 's roadmap.

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I wonder would a specific request thread (sticky) be a good idea. There are many feature requests which get no acknowledgement of whether they’ve been seen and/or if they are going to be worked on. Even if there is no intention of introducing a feature request, an acknowledgement of same would be nice.

How this specific request thread (sticky) can be achieved ? Can I do it?

Don’t think so. Probably needs a forum admin or moderator to do it.