Running cadence

Could you help me please why my running cadence in my charts is just 50% from running cadence on strava? Thank you

It’s been mentioned a few times. The original design of this application was for cycling, which is single-sided, whereas running is “double-sided”.


If you can’t wait for the fix and want to get the expected correct values, the posts @Gerald mentioned are worth going through as they mention solutions. You can also find the relevant corrected fields/streams by searching for them in an activity view.

If you’re looking to learn how to extend the platform to meet your needs/wants, I think “fixing it yourself” provides an easy entrypoint challenge.

To fully “fix it”, you want to add the following:

  • Custom activity stream
  • Custom interval field
  • Custom activity field

No need to even code it yourself. There are already shared Run Cadence fields ready to use.

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