Respiratory rate

If it is something that ends up in a fit file then yes. If you send me a fit file (or point me at an activity with breathing rate on I can have a look.

This activity have Respiration Rate

Thanks @david

I don’t see anything in the fit file with

No, I noticed that too. Golden Cheetah does show those 2 extra fields…

In fitfileviewer I don’t see the field

Golden Cheetah

I found it. Doesn’t have a name but is number 108. I have added support and will deploy Sat AM (GMT+2).



It is live now. You need to do Action → Reprocess File to see respiration for existing activities. I did this on one of yours to test:

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I also added “Avg Respiration” as an interval field.

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There is a quite evident relationship between these metrics, in an incremental test we could try to see if there is an evident respiratory change in the first threshold and look for that personal dfa value for each athlete, all of this we will validate with lactate. Stephen Seiler is currently working with respiration rate.


How do you record the Respiration on a Garmin (Edge 1030)???

I think it requires the Record HRV option to be active, because resp rate is derived from HRV

ok… but my HRV is still recorded

This might help:

You have to add a new data field, it is in heart rate.

What’s the name of the datafield? Respiration? I don’t find it!?

Respiration Rate

Ok, what if i don’t have this in heartrate or anywhere :neutral_face: (Garmin Edge 1030)

Google search:

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On Edge 830 it is under HR.
If you have 1030 and not 1030+, try the fit file that enables HRV. You can find it in the HRV guided training thread.

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