Recreate ithlete rHR/HRV chart?

2 items:

  1. URL for @Gerald’s v?
  2. I found this in my Excel version. Dunno if it’s helpful in any way.

I saved the link to the manual download in this discussion thread:

csv comes in comma delimited, all columns in text format, EN-US
Last screenshot shows that the AthleteID did not make it from the ReadMe tab to the connection settings. So you will for sure need to edit the connections with your ID.
The Query is saved in the file but it is a Power Query. If your Office version is not supporting Power Query, it isn’t recognized.

Just remember to download the file, and not open it in Google Sheets.

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The Google Sheets version, which is incomplete, due to the graphs being a little more difficult to recreate (in Google Sheets), can be opened here. This file was originally shared by @William_Barnes and the iThlete and ATP has been added to that file. It also needs to be saved to your own Google Drive location.

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That is not the MacOSv1.0 file, but the Windows version.
The MacOSv1.0 will only have a link to your downloads folder.

As you are the OP on this discussion thread, would you be open to editing your original post to include the links to the latest version? This would need to be edited each time a new version is added. If you need help, let me know. It might make it easier to find the latest version among all the subsequent discussions.

I may be the OP but this is much bigger than me. I’m feeling a bit confused with multiple threads and links. Personally, I’d rather hand over all updates to you guys and have everything in one spot.

I’ll provide for this in the help section. As the updated versions are added, @MedTechCD and I can update the help section.

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I’ve edited all my posts with link to the Windows/Office365 version to point to the Google drive folder where my file can be downloaded. I will keep the folder shared and simply replace the file with a newer version. People clicking this link will always retrieve the latest version of it. Also added a text file pointing to @Gerald for MAC/Manual download version and @Daniel_Harris for Google sheets dev work.

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Hi guys,

In step 2, I have this problem

I think you just need to confirm the entry of the athlete id by pressing ENTER or quiting the cell.
From what I can see, you typed the id but never quit the cell. Just dismiss the error and press Enter or navigate to another cell.
But it could also be a Type mismatch because this athlete id has no text in it and is considered a number. Does it work when you format the cell with the id to text?
I’m actually just adding text strings one to another, so should be a fairly simple fix if I convert the number to text.
I will let you know a bit later today.

EDIT: It’s fixed. Thanks for letting me know!

Get updated file here Intervals Api Tools Office365


Tx @MedTechCD

Now this :sweat_smile:

Sorry but I have no idea where that comes from. It basically means that the file would already have a column named ‘weight’.
Are you starting with a clean copy of the file? No changes made?

it’s a clean copy, i don’t made any change

Is this for one specific athlete or for multiple athletes?

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I have the same problem as my friend above. In the “ithletehrv” sheet, no values ​​from the “Wellness” sheet are inserted and thus - no generation of the chart :frowning:

The “HRV” and “RHR” columns are “text” (they were already in the file downloaded from @MedTechCD).
If I make a change (calling ctrl+h) and change “.” on “,” in the entire “HRV” column then in the “Ithletehrv” sheet calculated “30d from HRV” are inserted.
But I can’t change for “RHR” “.” on “,” because it is a lot of full number without decimal values.

I will mention that in the system (Win11) I have a decimal separator on “,” and not “.” I also have this separator in Excel itself.
So I don’t know where the sheets come from “.” :frowning:
The date format also does not agree with the system settings (in the system I have meanwhile the work @MedTechCD presents the date as yyyy-mm-dd.

System settings are Polish.

Oh, of course, the changes caused by Ctrl+H which I described only as if the data is refreshed - after it is evoked by the value to the value from “.” (after all, they are downloaded from

Can someone tell you how to solve my problem?

Thank you in advance and best regards

Some users have problems with Regional Settings and I don’t know yet what exactly I have done wrong. Can you try the version vTest_int that I have just uploaded at the same link?
Please let me know if that one is giving better results for you and if it doesn’t, make a screenshot of the Wellness tab.
Basically I’m telling the Query to interpret the incoming data as EN-US formatted and to display it in the regional settings format of the local machine.
In this test version I have set the Query options to EN-US and only changed the datatype on the different columns.

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You can change the formulae in each column to match the following:

  • B - =wellness[@date]
  • C - =wellness[@restingHR]
  • D - =20*LN(wellness[@hrv])
  • E - =(B2-AVERAGE(B2:B31))/STDEV.P(B2:B31)
  • F - =(C2-AVERAGE(C2:C31))/STDEV.P(C2:C31)

Hello Friend.
Unfortunately, the latest test file still has the same flaw with me: /
Screenshots below.

If you want and time, can I make my machine available to you remotely, e.g. via TeamViewer?

@Gerald I saw your entry with formulas before, but I don’t know where to put them: /

Also, if necessary, I can make the machine available via TeamViewer if you would like to help.
