Recreate ithlete rHR/HRV chart?

I’m almost done with the Mac OS version, but seems the import of some data is wrong; it’s all relating to the decimal symbol (I assume), eg. weight is 780 instead of 78.0 or 78,0 - in the csv download it is correct. I’ll send you a copy by WeTransfer, as it is now.

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I’m one of those macOS Europeans using Date= YY.MM.DD and number= 00,0
I really appreciate y’alls work on this!

I have solved some problems by restoring Excel from the Windows registry.

The Max OS version has been tested (Office 365) and it works; I’m not sure about older versions as this version requires the Get Data (Power Query).

I still need to add the instructions to the notes tab, which be done tomorrow. As long as the download CSV files are kept the same (file name, and in the download folder location) it should work.

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I have another problem


I get the same problem, and this is due to the number format used in the data.

Go to Data, Queries and Connections
Right click on the Wellness Query, then edit
Select the RHR and HRV column headers
Right Click and select Change Type to Text
This should change the value from a number (right aligned) to text (left aligned).

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Have you changed the permissions?

xxxxxxxx should be your athlete ID

and the API key needs to be copied to the Password field

I had the permissions set, I have restarted excel and it has worked, I have put it in text mode but it continues the same.

I’ll send you some alternative formulae to add to each column.

Column - Formulae

  • B - =wellness[@date]
  • C - =wellness[@restingHR]
  • D - =20*LN(wellness[@hrv])
  • E - =(B2-AVERAGE(B2:B31))/STDEV.P(B2:B31)
  • F - =(C2-AVERAGE(C2:C31))/STDEV.P(C2:C31)

The amazing thing is that it works for me with everyone except this athlete.

For my athletes, I do a manual download every quarter before I have a feedback session with them.
As non of them are using HRV, I don’t need to worry about daily feedback.

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Everyone here uses the daily HRV measurements and their training is based on the measurements, it is giving a spectacular result.

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I believe that you are getting this error because there are blanks on the data set. For example that athlete did not input data on 19/9 or 17/9 or 10/9 etc. If you put average numbers on those values does it work?

I was able to significantly reduce the necessary steps for first use and make it more user-friendly.

  • In stead of changing the source paths, just enter your AthleteID on the readme tab and the rest is automatic.
  • If the global permissions are not yet set, the dialog opens automatically.
  • The problem for the non existing eftp columns is handled too. You should not get any more errors for missing ride/run/row… eftp columns…

I changed the Power Query step names (they were in Dutch before, now in English) so that it becomes more clear what is being done in the step. It took some time to figure out how to use the M language in a basic way, but I’m starting to get it.
Version 1.3 is available at the same link, only the Office/Windows version.
@Gerald If you need help modding the Mac version, shoot me a pm.


I will check and see if I can work around that.
But you can’t get any correct advice if there are to many days without morning HRV values.
4 measurements per week should probably be the bare minimum?


If you don’t have a Run eFTP, go to the Add Calendar Entry, then add a number from a date in the past. I set mine to 1 Jan 2018 and the problem in the API file goes away.

Shouldn’t be necessary anymore in v1.3

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“Help, need a little help.” ~Neo

  • macOS + Excel for Mac (not 365)
  • Error on launch (1)
  • AthleteID inputted on Readme
  • GetData: (2)
    • Run Web Query wants to open a file
    • From Database throws an error
    • Import Text File has issues when pointing it to my downloaded CSV. (See following bullets.)
  • CSV import thinks it’s a fixed width. Changed to comma delineated.
  • What’s the column data format: General or Text?
  • Prompt for location to put the imported data. Excel just throws it in that location and not into existing columns. (3)

Screenshot 2022-09-17 at 21.07.40



v1.3 with the AthleteID on the ReadMe tab is only for Office 365 on Windows. Unless @Gerald was able to fix it.
You should use @Gerald 's version and download the csv files first to your download folder.