Polarization Index added

I should have added that how you set your HR zones in Settings is important. I have my Zone 4 starting at approx 90% of max HR and am happy to consider any minutes spent in Zones 4 or 5 as ‘hard’ (aka 20% in Seiler terms) in comparison to rides and workouts in Zone 2 (his 80%). I decide what kind of workout to do to achieve time spent working ‘hard’, differentiating between VO2 (Z5>) and Threshold (Z4) workouts according to time of year, how I feel, etc. Hope this helps.

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Please stop telling things that have never been said by Seiler as if it were the absolute truth.
Check this video at exactly 39min in.

It might even be surprising for a lot of people that already know some of Seiler’s work. Z2 is no longer the NOGO zone and you are left with only 2 session types: EASY or HARD. That’s it. Perfect system for any beginner, easy to follow and almost no risk of burning out, yet efficient.

I don’t care where this ‘Polarized Index’ thing is going but don’t make it look like it comes from Seiler because it absolutely isn’t what he’s saying.
All he ever mentioned regarding TIZ was when he was asked how it related to TIZ during an interview. The answer was: I don’t know exactly because I never looked at the statistics that way, but it’s probably more going to be like 90-10% or even lower HIT.

I don’t have any problem with the fact that you want to do things like you are doing them now. If it works for you, fine. But then just call it your own system and don’t make it look like it comes from a renowned researcher.
You are giving wrong information to people looking for a way to workout with an efficient system. Lots of them are beginners and they have no idea yet where to get correct information.

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Thanks for sharing that video, which I’ve watched several times but many may not have. I was responding to a request from Morten and I think I made it pretty clear (repeated use of ‘I’) that it’s a system which works for me, based on my understanding of multiple articles/ podcasts/ videos by Seiler and others. No claims to absolute truth by me.

Fair enough. It was only the part that I quoted that was upsetting me.

I don’t see any polarised index in my activity summery?

I had a look at your Thursday ride and it is there:

Screenshot 2023-10-20 at 06.55.10

Is there a way to graph the PI for the whole week? Not the total PI of the activities for the week. I would think it is a better guide to know how close I was to “2” for the whole week, than have “18, 20 or 21” PI as a total for the week.

As the week summary in the activities page shows.

Thanks in advance
Screenshot 2024-01-22 11.06.11 AM

Unfortunately you can’t do that at the moment.

I’ve gotten a negative value for the weekly polarization index twice the last month. I thought 0 was the lowest value one gould get. Is this a bug?

It can be negative. The calculation includes Math.log10(t) where t is a number derived from the relative time in the 3 zones. If t is less than 1 then the result will be negative.

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Ok, thank you. I actually looked at the cited article to check how the value is calculated but since my math skills are rather poor (log10(t) :crazy_face:) I couldn’t understand if a negative value is possible.