Planned workouts with wahoo - Now Supported

My wahoo works perfectly with the workouts, but an athelete I coach is having some issues also with no workouts appearing there. Maybe it is a thing of time as David says for wahoo to sync the app.

Great improvement for Wahoo users!

Great news, it’s seem work well for me.
Do you now when you upload training wahoo respect “press lap” instruction ?

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There isn’t any option for “press lap” in the uploaded workout format. It looks like you can skip intervals:

Skip/replay an interval

  1. From the Planned Workout page, select **<< >> (**middle button).
  2. Select >> (right button) to skip to the start of the next interval or << (left button) to go back to the start of the current or a previous interval. The planned workout will move to a position with a 3 second lead-in to the interval.
  3. Select Resume (middle button) to resume the planned workout from the adjusted current point.
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Yep, also you can click << >> (middle button), your step timer will stop, but workout still will be recorded. When you click again (without skipping back or forth), the step timer will continue.
E.g. I’m using it during intervals. After Hard step, I have 4min for recovery, but it always takes a bit more (downhilling, traffic, etc). So I click <<>>, going to the place where I start my interval, skip ahead (>>), and riding hard.
Downside of it, when you click <<>>, you can’t switch pages. Although, your LEDs will still show your 3s power/hr against step target.

Personally, this is the main feature why I have Wahoo. And LEDs of course :slight_smile:

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Hi @david,
any plans on integrating “plan download” (planned workouts) from wahoo cloud to calendar? basically what “Suffersync” does


Hmm looks like that is possible. It isn’t something I have thought about but for people using other platforms to push workouts to Wahoo it could be nice.


I contacted wahoo. It seems to be corrected now.

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Hi all, are you using the ELEMNT app? Im trying to get the workouts to my ELEMNT BOLT but no planned workouts are appearing in the app.

The ‘Wahoo’ app (so not the ELEMNT app) doesn’t provide planned workouts, so I assume I’m using the right Wahoo app.

You need to connect to Wahoo from settings page on Intervals.

It is connected/ticked. It also shows swim workouts are not uploaded (which is understandable as it doesnt contain any workout instructions). However, i also dont see the run or bike workouts.

Wahoo ELEMNT app screen planned workouts:

Wahoo ELEMNT app screen connections:

one other thing could be “FTP”/Power Zones sync when I modify them here or on wahoo after a test

I can see in the logs that at least 6 workouts were uploaded to Wahoo. I don’t know why they aren’t showing up in the app.

I can not see my workouts on wahoo :frowning_face:
I tried to reconnect everything but it doesn´t work.

Did you sync planned workouts on the Wahoo device itself?

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Sorry, it was my fault. I was using a different account.
Now it´s working. GREAT!!

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I see a lot of the same workouts being uploaded to my Wahoo Rival and Bolt2. A couple times a day, the same workouts of the week are uploaded, so I see them double, triple, and so forth. After two days, synchronization of workouts doesn’t work anymore, because there are too many of the same workouts. Can you see what the problem is with my account (bertus_f)? Thanks in advance!

You have a huge number of planned workouts already at Wahoo. wasn’t going back far enough to find existing planned workouts (they are returned furthest into the future first). I have fixed this and will deploy Wed AM (GMT+2). It should cleanup the dups.

Yes, that sounds like a solution! I have planned my Wahoo triathlon plans till nearly the end of 2025. And in those plans I have included yoga, mental and strength training. So a lot of workouts, sometimes 3 a day.
Thank you very much for finding a solution! I will let you know if it ‘works out’ :grinning:

Hi @david, you have fixed it! The dups are gone now. Thank you very much!!!

Yes I deployed the update a few hours ago. Tx.