Great app. Thank you for developing it.
I notice that the Form graph uses absolute values, where the default in Intervals is to use percentages, which is my preference and how I manage my training.
Any chance of adding the option to see form as a percentage, either in the settings or as a toggle when you tap on the left axis?
PS: I also had the error connecting, but it went away after signing out and logging back in (without enabling write permissions). Not sure what the problem is, but it was an easy work around for me.
I’ve just released a new version which I’m hoping will fix @Howie 's problems. Fingers crossed.
@Matthew_K - For me the form graph uses absolute values which is what I’ve emulated, see the screenshot below. I can’t see a setting anywhere to alter this but maybe I’m missing something. Any chance you could show me what you’d be looking for as this would likely be a quick fix.
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On the Settings page, there’s a Form option at the top that is either Absolute value or Percentage of fitness.
Percentage of fitness is better if, like me, you have a relatively low CTL (20-50). If your CTL is much higher because you train a lot more, absolute value makes more sense.
I will go for cycles where I keep my percentage in the -10% to -25% optimal training zone, but in absolute terms, I’m always in the grey zone, which is what I see on your app.
Absolute value (not as useful for me):
Percentage of fitness (much richer at my level):
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OK, thanks for pointing this out. I wasn’t aware of this feature and completely missed it when checking the settings page…
This should be fairly easy to sort. I’m working on fixing the fitness/fatigue/form discrepancies mentioned above right now, but hopefully this will be next on the list.
The app works (even though the graphics are not fitting completely on the screen) , but cannot find the widget in the list to put on home screen.
iPhone 8 iOS 15.4.1
Got it working. Had to restart my iPhone, start the app and then it showed up in widgets.
When I search my widgets „FitnessFatigue“ it shows up directly.
But, fitness & fatigue numbers are off since a couple of day. I guess, because I manually deleted activities in intervals.
And also it seems, that the app UI doesn‘t fit in my old iPhone SE screen
But still, love the approach and last days/weeks always took a look at my stats on that widget.
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@Marty_Boyd @MDus24 Thanks for your feedback. I’m glad you go the widget working.
The fitness / fatigue numbers in the app are often off a little from the website as the app calculates the numbers itself, and I wasn’t able to precisely match the website’s formula. It also doesn’t deal very well with deleted activities. I’m working on taking the numbers directly from which should fix any issues.
I thought I’d tested this on all screen sizes - apologies if it doesn’t quite look right on smaller screens. I’ll take a look.
I’m working on this in my spare time though, so not quite sure when this will all happen…
Has anyone else problems with this app on iOS? For me, app opens normally but closes it self right after you can see data graph with newest iOS update. Numbers are not updating on my widget.
Thanks for pointing this out. Something to do with the new iOS version is causing the app to crash. I’ll try to get this fixed as soon as possible.
Noticed that you’ve added percentage as an option. Thanks so much. It looks really good and is super useful.
Hey everyone, I’ve started another project for Web, Android and iOS
I’ve made a post for it if you wanna take a look: Web/Mobile App for Data
hello, the app doesn’t work anymore
somebody know what’s going on?
Hi Andres. Thanks for letting me know. I’m on the iOS 16.2 beta and not seeing any problems with the app. Could you let me know exactly what the problems you’re seeing are and which version of iOS you are using? Thanks
Hi Matthew! The iOS sí 16.1 and the error is unable to construct a URL’s I Acces
As of today, i can no longer see the top part of the screen with the values:
On the Iphone SE 2022
Works fine for me, iOS 16.3.1
Seems like you have a bigger screen.
Do you have some setting activated for bigger fonts or screen elements?
On Android such a setting causes similar problems in all kinds of apps.
Nice one.
This is the biggest font my phone can take, vs the smallest.
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