HRV-Guided Training

I concur. My morning workout, my HR “froze” in some instances and I ended up w/ some flatline HR. No way HR is at 120bpm when > 150% FTP and thus may give a clue as to why my AlphaHRV data was a bust

Would be interesting to see the IQ App on BLE and Garmin on ANT+ to see if the trend is the same as opposed to what Marco Altini saw whereby BLE has better signal.

The other thing is also that FatMaxxer uses the Polar SDK which provides the uVolt ECG signal strength. I’m pretty sure that no such SDK exists for usage in Garmin CIQ data fields.

hi, I use a Polar H10, tap water on it, Bt connection, no problems usually

As opposed to @MedTechCD’s data he showed above, (His is showing 100% valid,0.2% Artifact, yours is 64% Valid and 2.5% artifact)

But both of you guys are using the H10.
So… the conclusion is - no idea ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Maybe @Luisma_Gallego_Soy_P is correct. It’s really is finicky and has dependents on more variables (out in the real world)

… the extracystole is here (red circle)
no correction in the alphaHRV app (DFA Alpha1 drops to 0.4)

corrcted in runalyze (in my opinion, DFA Alpha1 stays at around 0.75)

What was the app version?
I’m pretty sure the app will detect those now. Version 0.9.9 filtered every artefact that was flagged by Fatmaxxer in my last test.
Up till 0.9.6 that was not the case, altough 0.9.6 was the first version announced to correct artefacts.

aaah ok … yeah my app version is 0.9.5, so i got to test this… thanks!

… by the way … anybody of you has heart extracystoles (no artefacts) which you can perfectly see in the HRV-recordings?
Still have been at the doctors and everything should be ok so far with my heart. But they say extracystoles are “normal”.

Had to look that up.

Extrasystole: A premature contraction of the heart that is independent of the normal rhythm of the heart and that arises in response to an impulse in some part of the heart other than the normal impulse from the sinoatrial (SA) node.

I’m not an MD so please don’t take this as any form of advice, but I work in related environments as a service engineer and what I hear is that they are NOT normal. They are usually harmless when they come in low numbers (something like <25% of the normal beats). They can be very uncomfortable and when in high quantity, cause heart problems.
I would suggest to consult a cardiologist when in doubt.
I’m scheduled for a gas exchange test in a couple of weeks. Something I do on an almost yearly base, just because there are educational congresses organised by my employer. The room is full af cardiologists, pneumologists and physiologists and they need 1 or 2 guys to perform a VO2max test. I’m one of the regular volunteers. That gives me a free of charge checkup for my heart and some solid numbers for VO2max, VT1, VT2, …


Thanks for your response.
I would say i have here and there extrasystoles during exercise, sometimes not even one sometimes 2-5. Outside an activity it’s hard to say, but i would guess 10-20 the whole day - so far away from <25%.
I still had a ECG under rest and one on a bike ergometer, plus an heart ultrasound scan.

So the doctor says everything is ok so far, but unfortunately at the doctor - of course - i had no extrasystole on ECG.

I just added a 0.75 line to the DFA a1 chart.


Dfa a1 gives me completely wrong results. According to DFA A1 I have LT1 in Z4 :slight_smile: Runanalyze also gives me the same results.

Sorry @david , I got a little lost, problem with the language. To obtain the DFA a1 and Epoc what should I use? AlphaHRV or other app? only with bike?

try this summary from @MedTechCD

@app4g the HRV data is activated on my device (745 - edge 530) because I use other external software such as kubios, firstbeat and runalyze and they see the data. But on intervals the graph does not appear, so I was wondering if I should activate something?

Ah… more details of your situation… you should have started w/ that and would have been easier to help.

the graph on intervals currently is only available IF your device is sending the alpha1 (or EPOC - no clue abut this one) data which is currently AFAIK, only coming from the alphaHRV Garmin Connect IQ app as developer field.

So if you want it plotted in intervals, you need to install that Garmin CIQ app.

Intervals currently do collect your HRV data, but it’s not doing any post processing (to plot DFAa1 for eg)

Also I think for DFAa1 from the alphaHRV CIQ app, you need to upload the FIT file from Garmin directly into intervals (not thru strava as strava will strip out the data)

much better / easier to explain when your situation is clear


Tx @app4g

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And how to make the connections, in my case I have a Fénix 5X and an Edge 830, I use the Polar H10, what kind of connection and configuration should I do on alphaHRV and on the devices.
My question is due to the fact that after two attempts everything starts fine, but after a few minutes the heart rate recording drops on the devices,
and in the .FIT file only the DFAa1 graphic is registered, see attached photo

YOu may refer to the post from @MedTechCD where he did a matrix of comparison between the Garmin App and Fatmaxxer etc. that should give you an idea on the connections.

alphaHRV develoepr says that the app works fine either on ANT+ or BLE. You could try either one and connect the other channel to your other Garmin.

Take note that for the alphaHRV app, you need to connect to it 2x (eg:)

  1. ANT+ to Garmin 5x (natively)
  2. BLE to Garmin 5x (via the alphaHRV App)
    by connecting it this way, you can get both the DFAa1 data from the CIQ app and also HRV RR data written directly into the fit file natively.

is that the “ritmo” on your chart? did you connect Both ANT+ and BLE to the same garmin like #1 and #2 above? Seems like your native garmin connection HR Dropped out.

Just noticed that I forgot to mention the recommended setting for the latest version of AlphaHRV. You should use Soft Kalman filter! Advice from Bruce Rogers and the app devs.
For recalculation window, I used 10sec on a Garmin 830 and that worked without a problem. On a 1030, you can probably use 5sec. On lower powered watches you may be forced to use 30sec. It’s a bit of trial and error.
I’m happy with the results when on 10 sec. If you set it lower, you will consume more battery.