Histogram charts on activity pages

The various activity pages now support custom activity charts (created using Javascript and Plotly) as well as histograms. On the activity timeline page the histograms show data for the currently visible portion of the activity.

The y-axis shows the total time spent in each bucket.

Click the new “Activity Charts” button to select and create charts. The selected charts are per sport (so you can have different sets for cycling, running etc.) and per device (desktop, tablet and mobile).

For histograms click any text on the chart to open the configuration dialog:

Use the “Charts” button on the other activity pages (power, heart rate, pace and data) to select charts:


great job, @david! thank you! :clap:t3:


Heart Rate Zones does something odd in histogram X axis? Same for you?


Ou wouw! That is cool and nice feature. Thanks!

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actually I know @David is kind of a modest person probably but this update is so huge!
like intervals.icu thanks to that surpassed golden cheetah big time O.O

EDIT: After some playing with the charts…it is beyond amazing!


Intervals.icu is just so good. Thanks for all the great updates

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What’s better than coming back from a long run and having a nice long bath? Playing with new charts while you do it! Thanks!


Awesome new feature!

I feel cought! :laughing:


This is brilliant, Thank You!

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Great! Is it possible to use percentages of the total as a reference instead of absolute values?


Thank you! :heartpulse:

Never ceases to amaze me how much Intervals has grown as a platform just in the past few years. After being with it for almost a year, I am still discovering some less obvious features I have overlooked.

IMHO, the more complex and feature-rich the platform gets, the more important documentation, common-sense defaults, and pre-made templates will become…


This is awesome! BIG KUDOS to David for iterating and making the product so great! :smiley:

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this is awesome @david , thanks for the constant innovation in Intervals!

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I just added percentage of total time of all the bars to the bucket label:

Screenshot 2024-06-22 at 13.08.50


Ah the log scaled ones won’t work. I have removed heart rate zones and 30s power from the list of plots. Tx.

This is AWESOME!! Thank you

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Great! Would appreciate an option “ignore almost empty buckets” where “almost empty” is something around <= 0.5% to reduce the long tails on the left and right if there are any outliers.


Awesome! The speed histogram has the X-axis labels wrong, though.

That’s very cool. I tried one with Pace and the selection said it would show as mins/distance, but it’s showing in seconds on the X axis. Not a major issue but I thought I would mention it

can I use “formulas” somewhere? like, for example, if I want to plot only positive gradients, I would like to add “Gradient” and “Where x > 0”
