Yes, I don’t want to replace calculated HRRc. This is a different value, different time monitoring -as you pointed- and different meaning (on a moderate run you do not push your HR above your “HRRc min HR”).
The two are great.
Exemple: An athlete did an Ironman at aproximatly vt1. After finishing and stopping, HR remaind over 100 for 9 minutes. Thats important to know and register.
It would be great if HRRc was an editable value. When importing erg-data from an interval session the HRRc is not calculated since there is no data during the rests between intervals. However, since I’m also use my Garmin watch the value can be calculated from this data.
I have an activity custom field that extracts the recovery HR from the end of the session on Garmin. It is public and named Recovery HR (RecoveryHR). Its value is editable.
Ah, nice! Thanks.
Just keep in mind that HRRc calculated here uses 60s while Garmin uses 2-3min
HRRc requires an effort above a minimum HR value, and then continuous activity for 1 minute afterwards (keep moving even if it’s very easy).
Is there really a requirement on continued activity? As long as there is HR data after you’ve reached the minimum HR, the HRRc can be calculated.
In some cases, workouts auto pause when there is no movement.
Good morning every one,
I am new on Intervals and I am trying to understand how it works.
I don’t understand what Nbr I have to set for the HRRc Min Hr to have the correct calculation.
I understand that it is related to the max recovery from the Threshold HR recovery in 60s.
This is my setting:
Threshold HR 151
Max HR 165
HRRc Min Hr 151
Are the HRRc settting correct?
Thank you and sorry for my english
The settings are okay.
The best recovery value (HRRc) for any effort >151bpm for >1 minute in duration will then show.
Here is an example:
It surprises me that there’s such a huge gap between “good” and “excellent” HRRc. It’s also beyond my imagination of what a 50-60 beats drop would look like (just got my first ever HRRc number and just start to learn about it). I’m curious if there are any known HRRc numbers from anyone in the elite peloton for reference?
Hi David,
as it is right now, HRRc is computed only for the one interval where the drop in HR is max.
I wonder if it weren’t a great idea to show (quantify) the decrease for all intervals that fullfill the criteria (HR above some threshold and then a drop of at least xY).
That way you could see a range of values, which could be especialy useful when you do a set of similar intervals.
The one max that is shown today could be an erroneous HR reading…
It is possible to do that with a custom interval field using Javascript:
Hey, I know its an old topic but I was searching for some ref values about HRRc. I think I can give you an example (HRRc 1min after an Half Cooper)
It’s probably even higher because your HR was clipped. Plot HR RAW and check if it is an artefact or real value. Given the length of the clipping, I suspect it is real and your HRmax was set too low.
The raw data but I can assume its an artefact bcs I dont know someone that has 214 as max HR. So I prefer thinking my HRmax is 198

It would be considered an outlier, but it’s certainly not impossible.
Did you get the 198 by historical data or did you use the 220 - age formula?
The form of the curve does not really make sure if it is an artefact or not. Do you have multiple occurrences of similar values?
Here’s a chart from an older study. The straight black line defines the 220 - age.
If you want to read the article that goes with it:
My first approches was 220-age but I modified by 198 bcs I saw it sometimes during my training, but If you want I can give you much more information about my HR I have a lot of data since I started to train. By the way, you can Check my ICU or my Suunto account, they are public