[FIXED] Missing today’s RHR

I used ImReady4 this morning to pull data from last 3 days. No issues. MatLab app version.

Checked today, and not received RHR. Missing for Friday (first day with the issue) and today (and steps missing for the last 2 days too):

In addition, I noticed that the RHR for yesterday is not the same on Garmin (from I get the wellness values). On Garmin is 43, but on intervals is 41 (the same that 18th). The old days seems to be correct.

The API continue receiving all data (showed in the UI) for yesterday if query the day directly, but still does not return it if query a date range or using “older”/“newest” params with the same date.

I will do some tests these days in case is it useful for the intervals.icu team.

Once again today no RHR

@david could you please double check on this?


If intervals doesn’t get a HR for a particular day it’ll use the last known HR, in your case 41

Doesn’t change the fact RHR has not being populate .

Also when Intervals has RHR for a given day it appears after the heart :heart: and before HRV which is not the case on today’s print I sent before.

Yesterday I manually entered my RHR and you can see :heart: RHR HRV …

Took me a while to figure out this problem. Intervals.icu needs a resting HR and weight value for every day with an activity even if none has been captured. So it uses the most recently captured values if needed and marks them as “temporary”.

The list endpoint with oldest and newest clears restingHR and weight if the values are temporary and not actually captured. The /wellness/2024-07-20 endpoint does not do this.

I am not sure what to do about this. It is very confusing but it is also good to know that no resting HR or weight value was actually captured on a day and the previously captured values are being displayed (e.g. when calculating a moving average or something and only including days with a measurement).

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Its kind of strange other values are syncing from Garmin e.g. HRV, but RHR isn’t.


I have a different RHR issue: intervals.icu does show a value for each day, but it’s wrong.
I had to manually edit the values for the last 8 days. The strangest part is I looked the actual values up in Gramin Connect :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

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You have wellness data coming in from Google Fit (resting HR, sleep time) and Garmin Connect (sleep time and quality, HRV). It looks like RHR is only coming from Google Fit, not Garmin.

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Intervals.icu gets restingHR from Garmin via the daily summaries (along with steps and kcalConsumed) and health snapshots. There is a another ping for HRV which is where your HRV data is coming from.


RHR still not coming from Garmin @david - any ideas?


Hi, RHR is read on 18/07 the last time and todays HRV is missing in the google sheets.

I’ve disconnected Google Fit from intervals. GF itself is updated thru a 3rd party app, so I guess there’s a “broken telephone” situation going on there.

Can confirm this has been an issue since sometime Thursday (US MST) - steps for Thursday way lower than in Garmin (meaning that part broke sometime mid-day) and missing on other days since. RHR missing on days with no activities and copied from prior days on days with activities.
So these are the only two Garmin Connect metrics affected for me – Steps and RHR. Did something maybe change on Garmin’s back-end as far as Daily Summary output?

Adding in my experience. I do have RHR for all of last week. But steps stopped coming in correctly on Thursday. Sleep and RHR aren’t showing for today. There was one day last week where both (sleep/rhr) appeared later in the day, so I thought it was maybe a “when does the day change” in the system type of issue.

The other values I expect (HRV, Body Battery, weight) are fine.

Also experiencing that RHR (via Garmin) stopped showing up properly since somewhere around Tuesday/Wednesday last week.

Same rhr and steps missing, and today also sleep

I’m also missing steps and, as of today, also sleeping. Disconnecting and reconnecting didn’t help.

I found (and fixed) the cause of the problem:


I got a RHR this morning, but it wasn’t the right one. The Garmin one was 42 but intevals.icu got 47?! And again, TrainingPeaks gets the right values.

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