[FIXED] Missing today’s RHR

Same, even the backlog seems updated, but RHR for today was not correct.

Edit: Steps was correctly updated for the backlog, except friday

Hi David

Today still no RHR and now no HRV.


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Thank you David, all data of the missing days is back.

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Yep. Back in business.

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My indoor turbo ride from yesterday will not import from Garmin.
I have disconnected and reconnected my Garmin authorization with Intervals.
I have downloaded old data (July 31st 2024 to Aug 01st 2024) but the turbo session will not import.
I have ‘Virtual Ride’ selected as an import activity.

Check if there is a “deleted” ride… (check the deleted option)
Screenshot 2024-08-01 at 6.17.20 PM

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Yes! Thank you.
Deleted ride.
How did that happen. I didn’t delete it? Not knowingly anyway. Might have happened by accident. I obviously did delete it but have no idea when :see_no_evil:

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