Missing resting HR and steps from Garmin [FIXED]

I had to update the Intervals.icu message queuing software on Thursday 18th July and unfortunately a configuration problem caused large messages from Garmin (dailies with resting HR and steps) to be lost. This has been fixed but unfortunately I cannot automatically recover the data. So you may need to manually capture resting HR and steps for the missing days. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Not sure if this is coincidental but I just logged an activity on Garmin earlier and it hasn’t synced up, nothing unusual about the activity and I used same Forerunner watch I normally use.

Oh thanks! Where do I manually add in the heart rate?

Screenshot 2024-07-23 at 7.24.11 AM

I’ve just tried to sync in additional activities and its not getting to Intervals.icu however they are syncing to my other apps: Strava, Apple H etc.

Thanks for the warning.

This includes all other overnight metrics from Garmin too such as HRV, sleep, sleep quality etc? I’ve just noticed all of that is missing for today.


yes same. garmin activity this morning did not sync across

just did a dummy workout in garmin.
it appeared in garmin no issue. it also appeared in Strava. but not in intervals

so something else is happening in intervals.icu

I’m afraid no wellness data from Gamin has synced this morning whatsoever

Not as fixed as I thought. More trouble with the message queues which I have sorted out. Garmin and Strava webhooks (wellness and activity notifications) from July 22nd 22h00 to 23rd 06h30 (GMT+2) were lost.

Some Garmin data will be recovered by automatic backfill requests but not all as Garmin limit these and don’t allow overlaps. Strava activities will be recovered by polling when people visit the site.

Missed Garmin activities can be recovered by downloading a fit file from Garmin Connect and uploading that to Intervals.icu using the “Upload” button on the calendar page. Missed Garmin wellness data needs to be manually entered on the calendar page.

I apologise for this disruption.


Just to confirm it’s working now - thanks David!

Wellness data seemed to be partially fixed, even the backlog, but imported RHR for today was wrong

Still No RHR and now no HRV also