[FIXED] Missing today’s RHR


Today’s RHR exists on Garmin but it’s no syncing with Intervals. Others fitness numbers are ok.



I have the same problem. It’s the same thing today. RHR is on Garming and both yesterday and today it was imported just fine in TrainingPeaks. The other metrics behave as usual.

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Same here. RHR is not imported nor steps.

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Yep same here too!

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Same here.

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+1 yesterday’s value was incorrect and today’s doesn’t show.

Today once again.

Also on the last two days I’m getting a message from ImReady4 that I have no variability in last 30 days but it’s obvious looking at the chart that I’m missing only RHR for the past two.

+1, ImReady4 is also how I realised about the issue. It started for me yesterday, too.

I’mReady4 is working perfectly but won’t work if rHR isn’t populated along with rMSSD

+1 - same here … ImReady4 reporting “no variability in last 30 days” :frowning:

My steps aren’t syncing from Garmin Connect, but everything else (including RHR) seems to be. Tried hitting the “download old data” button and it didn’t help.

Manually enter a rHR for the days it’s missing on Intervals and retry ImReady4

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Hi! I’m using the API to get some information, and I notice something strange.

My process use the endpoint “wellness” with the params “oldest” and “newest”, and if I only want to get 1 day, both params has the same date. This request has been worked until today. The following screenshot shows the date 2024-07-18, but I checked with another old dates, and works fine:

As additional checks, the endpoint with the format “wellness/yyyy-mm-dd” works fine too:

But… If I try to get the wellness info for today (2024-07-20) with the first format (oldest and newest), I don’t receive the restingHR value, although this value already appears on intervals.icu.


But (again)… If I use the format “welness/yyyy-mm-dd”, the values are correctly received:

I tried to get several days, until today (2024-07-20) and the only days that I don’t get this value is for yesterday and today:

Is there any problem with today (and yesterday, that has no values)?

Thanks for your help!


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As RHR and HRV are shown in Intervals GUI it’s not the values missing - it’s the API not outputting it to ImReady4 as far as I can say … :thinking:

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Strange. ImReady for working fine for me. Both excel version and MatLab version

I’m not using ImReady4, I’m using the API directly to extract information for some Grafana dashboards. I don’t know how ImReady4 works, but maybe if use the “single” endpoint to get only one date, works fine. The problem I found is when use a dates range, and just only for yesterday and today.

I will check tomorrow, just to see if it’s a punctual problem or remains for the next days.

maybe @david can give some insights if there was any change with the API or how this endpoint fetches data from the DB? :thinking:

That solved.
But we still don’t know why RHR has not being sync since yesterday.

I’m not sure if the problem is with the API per se, or just with these 2 days (today and yesterday). I’m using the API from more than one year, with no issues, and all the other days (using a range of dates) are receiving the information correctly. The only days that not received this values (restingHR) are 2 last days, but only from range of dates. If I get dates day by day, seems that works fine.

Very strange at all :sweat_smile:

something related to CrowdStrike/MS issue??? kkk