@david I looked all over, but could not find info on the following: Is there a way to exclude running from my fitness? I cycle and run, but I only really care about my cycling fitness. However, when I run it “artificially” inflates my fitness. Sorry if this was already mentioned and I did not find it. Thanks!
I am dumb or is there no “running” or “jogging” options as activity types in settings? Can’t find it
No jogging but there is “Run”, “Walk” and “Hike”.
I sorry, but this isnt working in my case. I can’t add “run” to that page I think because it’s already included higher in my settings page (where you set the HR, pace and power setting for specific types of activities).
Therefore I can’t adjust if the runs will be counting towards the fitness or not. And in my case, they don’t (I wish they did).
I’ve been looking everywhere on the forum and could not find an answer for this.
Can you elaborate on:
Heres the screenshot of that page. Look at the training Load priority. Is it setup in similar to that? You can define how/where the load is calculated. Using Power (if available) then Pace then HR, but you need to have them set up so that it can use these settings to do the calculation.
Also, in your run activity… do you see the LOAD there?
yes I can see that page. I have the load priority set at hr, pace power, same for time in zones and workouts.
My runs activities do show a LOAD number.

Cool! So In that case, then it’s should be counted to your Fitness/Fatigue.
You can verify by going to the Fitness page and checking the date… in your case, Sat 9th Jul and see if that entry is there.
In this screeenshot below, you can see that it’s there for the LOAD 20
Yes, I use this fitness page a lot. But every run showing in there is not impacting the fitness line, or any line. For example, I had 49 fitness on a given day during I rode with the family (z1). The next day, a z4-5 35 mins run, fitness down to 48. I can even tell you the runs arent taken into account with the form data going back up every day I only do a run. Unless maybe my runs arent intense enough to actually do anything? I’m not super athlete or anything but sure used to have better running stats about 2 years ago. Could that be the issue? (Intervals thinking that I’m strongert than I actually am thus not seeing these runs as efforts?
CHeck this thread to see the calculation on how much training load needed to push the numbers Up / Dn.
Here’s a quick example on load needed to move the needle.
w/o any training load for Mon/Tues, your Fitness automatically drops by up to 3pt on Tues
Then look at the 2nd pic, you did 2 runs at 50 Load, this just maintains your fitness level (at 49) but your Fatigue continues to go down.
For the last pic, you see that in order for you to see an increase in your FIT values, you need a load of 75.
Hope that helps. Typically for a Training plan, its 3 weeks ON, 1 weeks OFF, wherebyy you progressively load your system for the 3 weeks w/ increasing LOAD and then back off for the 4th week.
Hope that helps.
It just occured to me that your SETTINGS page shows HR / Pace / Power as the Load Priority. And your HR from that Run is showing up as 147bpm which is basically your Z1 range. I believe this is the reason your efforts are not being recognised. You’re using HR for load calculation. Try changing it to using Pace.
Aside: Man,… I wish I can run at 4+ min pace and hit Z1 HR… you’re really super duper fit… i"m struggling to hit my Z2 runs at 8++ min pace…
Ahhh!!! ok now I understand what’s going on. Thank you so much for this.
I love this platform (Intervals) and could’nt wrap my head around what was going on. This explains it clearly.
I fixed the HR vs PACE training load like you mentionned and forced the update on all existing run workouts and it did adjust my FITNESSS stats.
Thanks everyone for taking the time to find an answer and reply to the post.
@david It looks like load (total training load) in weekly totals is the adjusted value after applying the fitness contribution %.
This goes against the way I was using weekly totals, but I may just be using the tool wrong. I use load in weekly totals to see how much effort/work was put in each week. I was not expecting weekly load to reflect fitness, which seems to be a factor.
I can’t really change that because it will then be different to other places in the app (e.g. total load for the week on the /fitness page) and someone is bound to notice the inconsistency. Maybe you could look at total hours for the week instead?
Hi! I’m a new user. I can not find this chart in settings:
In the calendar, there are no load for strength training:
Can you help me?
Thanks in advance!
It is just before the section at the bottom for email preferences.
Ok! I see it! Thank you!!
hi, how can I isolate the load of running compared to other activities? in particular I would like my cycling activities to have no influence on the calculation of the CTL/ATL. Thank you
There’s a solution in this thread:
From the answer I deduce that it is not possible. Too bad, it would have been useful to see the correct parameters on Glance widget. All that remains is to manually modify each individual activity by putting load=0, right?
It is possible to build 2 Fitness charts, one for running only and one for cycling only. Given the fact that there are Tabs now on the Fitness page, it can be build with a little bit of work.