Download and upload wellness CSV


I was having a similar issue (Excel changing the date format) and did a bunch of searches to figure out what was going on.

Apparently Excel (when dealing with csv files) will adjust the date field to match a windows localization setting. This is VERY frustrating.

I then noticed that Google sheets doesn’t do this auto adjust. Conveniently, I collect my wellness data in a Google Sheet so it’s just a matter of exporting to csv format but NOT opening that file in Excel before uploading to intervals.

All works well now and I’m uploading my Wellness data to intervals with the correct date format.

My advice…either use a text editor to look at your csv data…or Google sheets.
Avoid Excel when working with/viewing your csv file.

HI, Tommy

I think you’ve nailed the problem.
I try to use google editor

I’m not sure what version of Excel I have on my mac, but it looks to be very different from yours so…

anyways, i tried to download the CSV from intervals. then open in Excel, add some dummy data

Change the date format

then "Save as " with the CSV option

This is the result when i open it up in a text editor. The dates is
Screenshot 2023-10-18 at 10.01.36 PM

then I uploaded it to intervals and it was accepted.

The problem has mostly been resolved.

The upload will fail if a zero value is displayed as -
that is the accounting format when zero, but the download is in general format. Best is to ensure all formats are “general” with the exception of the date column (yyyy-mm-dd), and that zeros are showing as zero.
In this example of the error, row 16 refers to the 16th row of info, and not row 16 in Excel.

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Click on the Excel word (top left) then About Microsoft Excel.

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It all depends a lot on your locale. If you are in a region with US format, things will go smoothly.
If you are in Central European locale, it can get very messy. You need to tell Excel that the incoming data is US format by using the Import data from text wizard. In Europe a csv is expecting semi-colons as field separators because the colon is used as a decimal separator.
Once Excel knows what format is coming in, it will be displayed correctly in Excell. But if you save it, it will be saved as a csv in your locale. And uploading that to Intervals, will not work because that looks like ‘Chinese’ to Intervals…

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sry, missed your post ;/
Tomorrow will try to find some time to play with excel. If you have a csv file more data please give a link.

Does intervals care if the csv files dates are not in order?

No the rows can be in any order. They are sorted and processed oldest first.

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Oh but you can’t have duplicates. :thinking: :grinning:

Here’s my code that I cajoled chatgpt to write. This pulls out two columns from the smart asthma output which I can write to my google drive from the app which then syncs to my mac. I’ve set up a cron job to upload this every day at noon.

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys
import pandas as pd
import json

import requests
import base64
import os

def convert_xlsx_to_new_format(xlsx_file):
# Read the XLSX file into a DataFrame
df = pd.read_excel(xlsx_file)

# Extract only the date portion from the "Blow date" column
df['Blow date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['Blow date'])

# Create a new DataFrame with only "Blow date" and "Peakflow" columns
new_df = df[["Blow date", "Peakflow"]]

# Rename the columns to "date" and "PeakFlow"
new_df.columns = ["date", "PeakFlow"]

#print("Uploading to Intervals.")

athlete_id = "<your ID>"
api_key = "<your key>"

# URL of the API endpoint
url = f"{athlete_id}/wellness"

# Encode API key for Basic Authentication
credentials = base64.b64encode(f"API_KEY:{api_key}".encode("utf-8")).decode("utf-8")
headers = {"Authorization": f"Basic {credentials}"}

# Define the new entry for checking its actually working
#new_entry = pd.Series({"date": "2023-12-07", "PeakFlow": 700})

# Append the new entry to the DataFrame
#new_df = pd.concat([new_df, new_entry.to_frame().T], ignore_index=True)

# Sort DataFrame by "blow" column in descending order
new_df.sort_values(by="PeakFlow", ascending=False, inplace=True)
# Print rows with duplicate dates
#duplicate_rows = df[df.duplicated('date', keep=False)]
#print("Rows with duplicate dates:")

# Drop duplicates based on the "date" column, keeping the first entry (highest "blow" value)
new_df.drop_duplicates('date', keep='first', inplace=True)

# Print rows with duplicate dates
#duplicate_rows = df[df.duplicated('date', keep=False)]
#print("Rows with duplicate dates:")

# Make the POST request
response =, headers=headers, files={"file": ("output.csv", new_df.to_csv(index=False).encode("utf-8"))})

# Check the response
if response.status_code == 200:
	print(f"Error: {response.status_code}, {response.text}")

#print("Script has finished.")

if name == “main”:
# Define the base path
base_path = “<path to the peak flow file”

# Specify the file names
xlsx_file_name = "peak flow.xlsx"

# Create the full file paths
xlsx_file_path = os.path.join(base_path, xlsx_file_name)

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Thats cool! I think eliminating duplicates should be left to the caller. If does it it has to make arbitrary decisions (merge, keep last, keep first?) and will hide bugs.

I have been learning Python myself. Doing a lot of machine learning at work.

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Okay, I have the CSV loaded in Google Sheets. This is my last question on this subject. Where would I “put” the API connection to make it post today’s data?

POST /v1/athlete/{id}/wellness

Dear Lucas,
it’s been a while.
Now I have a file with more measurements, and the extracted CSV file is larger.
consider that by opening it with Numbers (I have mac), the date setting is correct as intervals wants it.
but when I load the file into Wellbeing it still tells me this.
what do you think?

Thanks for your help.
I will also send you the CSV file generated by the scale.

The message is clear. The FIRST column must be the date in the format expected by Intervals, yyyy-mm-dd.
Your csv file opened in a text editor must look like:

date, metric1, metric2, metric3
2024-01-14, 22, 52, 43
2024-01-13, 26, 56, 45

yes this is now clear.
what is not clear is that the file is in that format:

The column header must be exactly the same as the name of the wellness field. (Case sensitive!)
Her’s an example:

Download some Wellness data from Intervals and reconstruct that format for anything you wnat to send.
Stop using a spreadsheet or other software to open the csv files. Open them with a plain text editor.

As @MedTechCD has said, use the download as the template, then add to it before uploading. Also, the column headers don’t have spaces.

Example: Weight is Weight, not Weight (Kg).

pretty sure my manual for that was very detailed but ofc I can try to help.
just try to do it step by step (sry I barely remeber that, but I’m 100% sure there was a step to convert the data)
where can I find your file?

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How did you manage to export this CSV data? from tanita smartphone app?
I managed to get API Access but it only provide data for Weight and bodyFat and not the amount of data you got from your CSV you shared prev… sadness

I got the csv file from the web page, or even from the Tanita app for IOS. It doesn’t change from both.
I have to find a way little by little.