yes you are right. I’ll try again as soon as I have time. Maybe I missed a step.
Thank you. I don’t want to bother you any further
Use my manual for mfp but:
-just open a new excel file
-import per manual into a new sheet
-select first column → right click → format cells → date → sellect correct format
-this should get rid of the hours
-go to intervals and add data fields (capital letters etc. read rules)
-you can start with some basics like weight only for now just to check if it works --delete other fields from your excel for now
-export per manual again
format should be ok
/as far I remember the problem with mfp was if you had two reading for a day, it would mess up the import bc intervals can’t sum up on the fly. so it is adviced not to do two readings at one day
-you will need to edit all the colum names to match the data fields created in intervals
-when you prepare an excell correctly, all further readings you can copy inside (it will be much easier bc all the column names will be already corrected
-first check for simple data like weight and tell if it worked
I am trying to upload a CSV file but I have the same message than above: first column must be date but I opened with text editor and it seems date the first column.
It’s a colon instead of a comma?
You created a European csv where the comma is used as a decimal separator and the semi-colon as a field separator.
Intervals expects a US formatted csv with dots as decimal separator and comma as field separator.
Either you configure the used app to format it as US, either you use a text editor and FIRST replace comma’s by dots, then semi-colon by comma’s.
missed the “,” for the decimal separators.
I changed but it says that CTL is missing but I didnt touch the ctl values
I am wondering if is possible to do the following:
- I am using another app “Nolio”, that doesn’t connect with Intervals, but my athletes use this one to add some wellness data.
Is there any option to upload the csv to Intervals?
The data I want to add is already in intervals: mood, fatigue, soreness, training readiness
Thanks in advance,
see above
The number off fields in the headers and in each line must be exactly the same. The values can be non-existing, but the number of colons must always be exactly the same on each line.
I created a template in Excel, then I copy and paste values under each heading. This would be when I’m trying to fill gaps on some columns that aren’t populated, eg. weight.
- Select all the possible fields in Wellness.
- Download the csv file
- Delete your data, but keep the header names intact and the values in the first row (as an example of the value format).
- Save as a normal .xlsx file, which then becomes the template file.
Then, add data as required.
- date must be yyyy-mm-dd format. This will change if your regional settings are different.
- Once done, delete the example row
- Save as xxxxx.csv, where xxxxx= your unique athlete’s file name.
- the import might not work, due to a date format error. This can be fixed by opening the file, changing format and saving.
Hi, ok thanks a lot. I will try this if its works