yes you are right. I’ll try again as soon as I have time. Maybe I missed a step.
Thank you. I don’t want to bother you any further
Use my manual for mfp but:
-just open a new excel file
-import per manual into a new sheet
-select first column → right click → format cells → date → sellect correct format
-this should get rid of the hours
-go to intervals and add data fields (capital letters etc. read rules)
-you can start with some basics like weight only for now just to check if it works --delete other fields from your excel for now
-export per manual again
format should be ok
/as far I remember the problem with mfp was if you had two reading for a day, it would mess up the import bc intervals can’t sum up on the fly. so it is adviced not to do two readings at one day
-you will need to edit all the colum names to match the data fields created in intervals
-when you prepare an excell correctly, all further readings you can copy inside (it will be much easier bc all the column names will be already corrected
-first check for simple data like weight and tell if it worked