Daily Steps Tracking/Sync

I do have that on the todo list.


Hey David! Any progress on this?

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Nice suggestion. I’m also more aware of steps tracking on rest days/ in between gym strength sessions.
I noticed Healthfit is using Apple health (in my case) and could be synced to intervals.icu easily.
Also Garmin Connect is a good source too.

Desired requirements would be:

  • Daily stepcount
  • Daily step target
  • Weekly steps total
  • Weekly step targets

Any additions?

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Yes, would be nice to plot this metric.
Walking/hiking (daily steps) is part of my training and adds up on a weekly base. Based on that I determine if I do another workout or not. Now I always start a walking workout. If steps could be taking into account I could skip that and my total load would be more accurate.

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You can use the new custom wellness fields to create a field for steps.

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I want to log the steps too. My Coros watch gives me daily steps from midnight to midnight.
I would like others opinion on how to enter the data. Because if you want to enter the steps at the time of entering other wellness metrics (mostly in the morning), you would need to enter them on the day before. Unless someone has a better idea?
Same question goes for some other metrics that I’d like to track. My Coros watch gives me some 24hr values that need to go to the day before, like Active Energy, Steps, 24hr avg HR and 24hr HR range.
I am OCR’ing that info from the Coros app screen and pasting the OCR text in the wellness comments. Then I run a sheduled task on my desktop computer with an API call that gets the unstructured comments field which I then parse in Excel and I return the parsed values with an API put statement to the Intervals wellness fields that already exist. The other parameters are sent back to the comments section in a structured way. Now that we have custom fields, I want to setup those different fields and populate them with the parsed values.
I guess the best thing to do is to return 2 API put statements, one with todays values and one with the supplementary fields for yesterday.
I’m using the same workflow to enter Kubios HRV data. Saves me quite a bit of time to enter all the information and the OCR is working flawlessly.
If the Corors Api gets done, I will off course use that, but in the meantime, that’s how I get all my data.

Interesting. So you’re making a screenshot and analyse that picture? What’s your “technology stack” for getting this done? Like how do you automate it and what OCR tool are you using?

On my Android phone I’m using ‘Copy’ (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.weberdo.apps.copy) to OCR the displayed screen. It’s configured to extract all text on screen by a Long Push on the Android Home button. Then I copy/paste that text in the Comment section of the wellness dialog in Intervals.
A daily task on my computer fires up Excel with a macro that gets the comments from the API. I’m parsing the unstructured text with the PowerQuery in Excel and construct a JSON which again is send back to the API with a macro.
I’m pretty sure this can be done with PowerBi to avoid Excel and simply run it on a remote server. Or it can possibly be done with JavaScript and automated on the Intervals server itself.
I plan to explore the JavaScript solution when I have some time but I’m really a total newbie in programming. It does look like a good opportunity to learn JavaScript while constructing something useful.
By the time I’m done with this, the Coros API might be functional :wink: but I will have learned a bunch of JavaScript functionality…
Example of OCR result

Did you try HealthSync to google fit sync? It’s on their list, see screenshot. I think intervals.icu should be able to also pull steps from googlefit.

AFAIK, @MedTechCD is also using for KubiosHRV data, which doesn’t sync with any services.

That is correct. I’m using this same method for Kubios and for my BloodPressure data. So in all I OCR 4 app screens (Coros Sleep data, Coros Daily data, Kubios HRV and BloodPressure) and paste the text in the comments section. My ‘automation’ handles all data and populates the existing and custom fields (in total 32 fields) I’ve setup in Intervals.


Can you also request total steps from google fit? (Прочитайте общее количество шагов за день  |  Google Fit  |  Google Developers)

If you ever figure out how to do it via Healthfit and add Steps to daily import from Healthfit, let me know! :slight_smile:


Garmin would be nice too


Sorry for the bump, but I’m totally lost on how to get steps from Google Fit. I’ve been reading a lot but I’m still haven’t been able to figure it out. is it possible?

I have connected Intervals to my Google Fit account, but steps are not being downloaded.


I like to see steps from google fit or garmin in the graphs

This can be plotted already. Or is the question how to get steps from GoogleFit Or Garmin into intervals?

Nice, I see it now as a plot option but I don’t see where it pulls it from (mine is empty). I cannot find it in the list of garmin or googlefit under settings

Ah, you looking for Steps Sync into Intervals.icu
As of current, there isn’t this option as far as I can tell.

If you’re on Apple iOS, you can get Garmin / Google Fit to Sync to Apple Health and then use HealthFit or My App (BreakAway) to sync it to Intervals.

Ok, but it should be easy to request because many other outputs from google fit are already requested?