API access to Intervals.icu

you can get these data from the other endpoints



I have reworked my app to show these messages to the user. Will be adding a link to the forum thread.

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Thanks for the tip - I knew about the wellness endpoint which I presume is a daily summary.

What I was really after was the actual training load for the (ride) activity in question if it’s possible to get.

Some time in the last 2-3 days the API has stopped returning most recent data. When I call the API to retrieve data, it is returning data from 3 months ago and even then, some data is missing in that time period. Not sure how to troubleshoot on my end. Nothing has changed with my logic. No error messages. Simply returning out of date information.

Using the endpoint: https://intervals.icu/api/v1/athlete/xxxxx/activities.csv

Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?

Where is the source of your data? Zwift? Garmin? Strava?


I should mention all activities are displaying fine in the main view. It is only the api response that is incomplete.

This is (the new) normal.

if this is your issue right now, and you cant get any other data (like above thread) then thats likely the case and i’ll close this thread. If not, do tell and i’ll merge the thread with the above topicandbfind out whats what


Thanks for the clarification. Unfortunately, my source app (iOS WorkOutdoors) does not have any other export option beyond Strava.

You have a couple of choices, nothing which is easy as far as I can tell.

  1. Manual Download from Strava → INtervals
  2. Discuss w/ the Developer
  3. Get a 3rd Party App (RunGap / HealthFit). I can’t recommend BreakAway as it currently doesn’t get data from within Apple Health → Intervals (It currently only does Wellness data & writes completed workouts to Apple Health)

You have another option
Source the activity data directly from Strava
Using OAuth is a little more complex than the API key approach of intervals

I’ve done this. It’s not difficult but is a pain. The bigger issue is that some activities will be available in intervals via the API depending on the source system bur those from Strava will not.

This means that you have to potentially coalesce two data sources.

Thanks for the response. I realized that I was already sitting on my solution. HealthFit. HealthFit has an export to Intervals.icu option.


Just to close the loop on this one, in case others have a similar use case. I ran this morning and the HealthFit conduit worked perfectly.

WorkOutdoors to Strava (the only export option the app offers). HealthFit picks up the Strava file and sends it on to Intervals.icu. Whew. Convoluted, but works!

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If healthfit is using Strava API, then it’s also bound by the same t&C no?

My simplified understanding (others, correct me if I’m wrong) is Strava will not allow open access to a user’s data. Exporting to another destination that is directly associated with a Strava user is allowable.

That is why the Strava export to Intervals.icu activities (linked to a single user) continues to work, yet the Intervals.icu API extract (not restricted. open to pull any user) is no longer allowable if the data source is Strava.

Strava to HealthFit is ok because it, too, is on a specific user basis. Then, when HealthFit exports to Intervals.icu the data source in Intervals.icu is HealthFit, not Strava.

At least I think that is what is happening…

I’m not sure how it works.

maybe the right place to ask.

I have an excel linked to intervals. For some reason it is no longer pulling through manually created workouts from Strava. Intervals.icu has them, but the excel sheet does not.
All other workouts, from what I can quickly see, are pulling through.

Has this also got to do with the whole strava privacy thingy they have implemented ?

Yes. Anything sourced through the Strava API can´t be forwarded by the Intervals API.

so what you’re saying is that everything I’m seeing in the excel sheet is actually coming from garmin and not Strava.

actually I just check and that is the case. I name my rides slightly differently in garmin and strava, and what is showing in excel is the garmin names.


Have you tried importing all your Strava data? This makes it independent of the Strava API

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I have not, but the only differences between the garmin data and the strava data is the handful of manual entries from when my garmin did not record. It should be easy enough to sort out.

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