Their terms still directly conflict with what Veloviewer are saying. Very poor behaviour from Strava - giving verbal assurances to people that they can continue using the data while techincally breaching the terms
Sounds like a hit! Are there any decentralized Strava-alternatives?
If not, could be an opportunity for @david
I hope becomes everyone’s go to data hub. Big issue is all the integrations. There is a long tale of smaller device manufacturers that only push to Strava and TP and that do not have their own APIs.
Just saw this posted. O…M…G… this is like another Reddit API (Apollo app)
I wonder how many API calls are being utilized right now and what the growth rate would be before it becomes overwhelming to actually be forwarding out all those API calls?
I don’t know if anyone has seen this:
Just reading it quickly it would appear that Stravas motivation is really the potential sharing of users data and it does not have some hidden agenda
There were two threads discussing Strava, so I merged both into this thread as there’s some duplication. Veloviewer was mentioned on this thread (now a few posts above):
Thanks. I feel sometimes as I don’t even know what forum I’m on with this Strava thing let alone if I’m on the right thread.
The importer for your Strava archive is finally done. You can get all of your data out of Strava and free of API restrictions.
I hope becomes everyone’s go to data hub.
Already here, 100%.
Switched from TrainingPeaks after struggling with their support and WKO going down the pan since WKO5 appeared. Intervals is now my single point of truth for all fitness. Everything in once place with no issues about where data comes from (Garmin!).
Having the API is great. Means I can map the values and activities I’d like into my calendar to easily see trends which have been invaluable with health issues this year.
Only thing missing is a direct link from TrainerRoad to Intervals but I’m most likely going to switch to another turbo app soon as I don’t use many of the TR features, just riding against graphs.
Which links to
Basically it’s a user issue. Like the flyby feature that was useful, now just becomes like a niche feature.
2024-12-13 06:31:49.6490 helperIntervalsIcu.loadMapLocations - ERROR:requestError[Error Domain=OAuthSwiftError Code=422 “Cannot read Strava activities via the API”
Just saw this error. Is this part of the update based on the new T&C from Strava?
Using Python to pull an activity, but some of the activities don’t have the ride type set, even though in the web ui it is?
Example is activity id i5773701 is showing distance and elevation, but id 13055976946 isn’t
ok so looking a bit further, I see: “{“id”:“13055976946”,“icu_athlete_id”:“i40013”,“start_date_local”:“2024-12-05T19:37:14”,“source”:“STRAVA”,”_note":“STRAVA activities are not available via the API”}(.venv)"
This is my own activity btw, so any chance I’m able to view this for my own self?
Unfortunately not. You need to try get your Strava stuff directly from the source service. That activity came from Zwift originally so you just need to connect Zwift to get future activities directly. You can use the import all Strava data feature to get all your historical data from Strava free of API restrictions.
Thanks, but since I’m accessing my own activities I would hope it’s in line with the new Strava terms.
It’s not because Intervals isn’t allowed to forward anything that originates from the Strava API. Not even to yourself. Intervals is not allowed to do anything with data coming from the Strava API.
What you can do:
- Get them straight from the Strava API
- Get a full Strava history with a download link that you upload to Intervals. Then you get your original data and the Strava restrictions do no longer apply
- Get your activities in Intervals from another source
Unless you have a device that isn’t able to get the workouts downloaded to a service that isn’t Strava , you should consider moving away from using Strava as the middle person for your data.
(Some devices like Bryton IIRC only has Strava / TP)
You can still have Strava, but connect your device to intervals directly if you are able to.
Thanks both.
Strava has only ever been middle man for TrainerRoad. Everything else comes via Garmin. I’ve enabled DropBox sync for TR and see how that goes.
In the interim, I’ve just asked for a full TR export (which you have to ask for via email and they send you everything, even stuff from Garmin synced back). I’ve imported this and all turbo rides are available via API again.
I can completely understand Strava’s new requirements but it would seem sensible that this use of data is still very much keeping data private if only the athlete ID attached to the API key calls for that data.
I follow a local athlete but am not set as a coach. I can see he is connected to both his Garmin and Strava accounts but all I’m seeing are “Hidden Strava Activity”. Is there something I need to get him to change in his settings so that his Garmin activities show?
If you msg me his ID I will have a look. I can only think that he isn’t getting activities from Garmin and they are only coming in from Strava.