thanks for pointing to the activity lists, I do not use this often and it’s another great feature of intervals.
So I made a filter to find the same distance run, I know it’s the same route, I choose “apply route” as you said but nothing happened, there were not linked to my route # ID 465423
I now have nearly 600 routes, really many commutes to work, shopping etc.
so a filter still would be really nice.
Or some kind of “starring” some routes, because while the commute routes are good to tag them automatically, but there are maybe only a few interesting/favourite routes, which I would like to see on top
@david: thank you for this great feature. I wonder if it would be possible to detect loop routes? I mean, some of my routes are actually loops that I might complete several times in a single activity. See for example:
Now your code does not identify the route as identical to other activities on the same loop route if the laps (rounds) in the related activities are not exactly the same.
The number of laps of the same route might be and often is varying across activities. As a user of I wish that recognized the route as a loop-route and associated all activities on the same loop-route as having the same route regardless the number of completed laps on that loop.
This loop detection could be also a basis for advanced analytics w.r.t. of the loop-nature of the route, too, such as auto-detecting the number of completed laps, average data of this and that per loop, etc., etc.
@david , could you analyze ONLY the segments created in In this mode you stay away from the Strava segments. How are you doing with the routes…both Strava (brevets) and Intervals handle the routes, and you have handled them very well
Personally, it would be enough for me if I could compare my own created sections (I won’t use the name segment). I would therefor also create this every time. For example, a mountain that I ride up once a month. Create an interval from the starting point to the end point and give it a name. And then I would like to have a list visible somewhere with all the data for this section that has been created. This is currently not possible and would not infringe the patent.
Yep, it will. Let say you can create segment (name doesn’t matter), you have to find effort on your activity which matches the segment. And that process is under the patent.
Strava has many patents for segments, this is just good example of what they have.
I understand, but only the STRAVA segments are under patents, NOT the ones I create on INTERVALS… just DO NOT use the Strava segments but ONLY the segments created on INTERVALS.
Trainingpeaks also uses segments, but only those created on TrainingPeaks, NOT those created in STRAVA.
I intend to use intervals created from 0 in Intervals, NOT STRAVA intervals that are imported into Intervals, they are 2 different things. The Intervals intervals are not under patents
Exactly, a bit like @david is doing with routes: I create my own segment in Intervals, the app saves it (I don’t know where :)) and every time I travel that route it is recognized. I will have an “intervals” page (like routes) where I will have the list of all my intervals and for each interval I will have a page similar to this, but for the interval