Activity route matching

is this a “real world” scenario? because if I want to compare my time on a route this means that I want to perform on that route. and this mean I “need” to warm up and this warm up could be different so the total time on the route will be dependant on the warmup (and cooldown) I’m doing.

Genuine question; is it common for people compare rides this way? :thinking:

I’m seeing benefit on auto renaming and set the “commute” flag (even that for “commute” I would have preferred something “if the ride starts here and ends there then it’s Commute”, so it will take account on coffe stops/bakery before work and so on) but not for comparing times. but I maybe missing something so knowing other people usage will help me and maybe see some benefit I’m not seeing right now :beer:

I think comparing times is worth more to runners than cyclists. Cycling depends hugely on the weather conditions so power, heart rate etc. are better things to look at.

So we couldn’t display our segments :sob::sob::sob: ???
We could write for hours about Strava’s patents… but also
“Generating user preference activity maps
Patent number: 9778053”, or the
“Generating trail network maps
Patent number: 11009362” are under strava patent and have however been implemented both in and in Training Peaks and other softwates

yea … not looking that good for a feature like that … even i would really love to see something like that implemented … :disappointed_relieved::disappointed_relieved:

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I think that in a way, perhaps unintentionally, we are already using the segments…

I created it, but it’s actually a segment

just a quick question … am I correct in understanding that this patent is only valid in the US and not in the rest of the world? Meaning, theoretically, such a feature could be implemented for the rest of the world without infringing on the patent? :thinking:

I know when I do any race, I do a separate activity for a warmup, race, and cool down. So in that case what you have implemented works well, and for everyday run or rides I tend to just do one activity. One thing I would like to see on the map comparing two activities on a route, is where both are at any given time, i.e. below I have two activities on a parkrun with route ID 570739. But I can only see the blue activity, is there a way to see both on the map at same time?

Thanks for your awesome updates coming through

would you look at that Longgggg list of open source stuffs they use…

Thanks for the reply @david . I appreciate that sometime people may want the planned workout name but sometime they may want the route name to override the planned name for example if you had a training plan you may have lots of “easy 5k” in there when building the plan but when looking back on it you may be more interested in the routes.

A possible solution could be that when you have a planned workout done on a route that you have rename activities on, the route name is added on to the end so you get something like “easy 5k - route 1”?

Thank you

Would it be possible to compare ride not based on route GPS data, but find rides that are similar in length, duration, elevation?
Maybe you could do the additional tab with rides that correlate with ride parameters but on different course?

I recently did 4h20min Z2 130km, 1700vm ride and improved total average power for 4h. I wanted to compare that ride with similar rides to see if the improvement is really reflected in average speed or decreased HR. For that I filtered all my rides for the past 3 years that are longer than 100km, shorter than 150km, more than 1000vm. It would be great if that was done automatically.

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The compare tab? Seems like that would do it?

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I made some commute to work routes - but it’s generated lot of them becase couple of them - were different then usual. how to delete that routes ? kind find that :smiley:

You need to merge the routes in pairs, getting rid of the one you don’t want each time.

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I would like to delete routes that I merged permanently.
Can you facilitate this? The list with all the routes is very long.

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With the default sort order of by descending activity count the deleted routes all appear at the bottom of the list. So hopefully thats not too much of a problem. I need to keep them somewhere so people can undelete if they make a mistake.

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If I sort by date (newest on top) the deleted one are on top with no date.
And it would be really helpful to filter or hide the routes. For example to show only those with a route name. That would be really good.

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I have updated the sort. If you sort by most recent descending then the deleted ones are last in the list.

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Nice Feature!
Would it be possible to define a default Gear and a default Load for a given Route?
My commute bike does not have powermeter and resulting ride is missing load. So I have to add dummy load manually so the fitness chart could take it into account.

Thank you @david for this super cool feature ! I really love it !

Do you think it would be possible to rerun the app to get routes for activities before 1st jan 25 ? I only have one route for my long jog and it would be so cool to have a big history of my pace on this route, thanks +++

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@nfkb You can select these runs in the activity list and select ‚apply route’ from the options, and it should be done.

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